Did Donald Trump Murder A Newborn Baby? Is That Why He Keeps Claiming It's Legal? At this point it's starting to seem like he's setting up a defense.


Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump raped E. Jean Carroll

Is this the face of a cold-blooded baby killer?
For the last eight years, if not more, Donald Trump has been going on and on about post-birth abortions, otherwise known as homicide or infanticide, a thing that is very, very illegal everywhere in the United States and, I will just assume, the whole entire world.

During last night’s debate, it came up again. Because of course it did.

“They will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month and even after birth. After birth. If you look at the former governor of Virginia, he was willing to do so, and we’ll determine what we do with the baby. Meaning we’ll kill the baby,” he insisted. “So that means he can take the life of the baby in the ninth month and even after birth. Because some states, Democrat-run, take it after birth. Again, the governor, the former Virginia governor, put the baby down so that we decide what to do with it. He’s willing to, as we say, rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month and kill the baby. Nobody wants that to happen, Democrat or Republican; nobody wants it to happen.”

No, they don’t — which, again, is why it is illegal everywhere. You’d think the moderators would have pushed back on that, just a little, but they did not.
in 2022 Michigan passed a constitutional amendment guaranteeing abortion rights through the 9th month.......Virginia's previous governor pledged to sign a bill permitting termination of a child's life AFTER birth........when Obama was an Illinois state senator he sponsored a bill permitting abortion providers to terminate the life of a child "accidentally born alive.......it's what your party stands for.........
in 2022 Michigan passed a constitutional amendment guaranteeing abortion rights through the 9th month.......Virginia's previous governor pledged to sign a bill permitting termination of a child's life AFTER birth........when Obama was an Illinois state senator he sponsored a bill permitting abortion providers to terminate the life of a child "accidentally born alive.......it's what your party stands for.........
The truth is meaningless to Trump. He says what he thinks will fool his followers. He has lied about the Dem stance on abortion over and over. He makes some obviously false statements. It is what Trump means by winning.
Partial birth abortions are a FACT in the US.
Legal in 7 states.

Stop fucking lying.
Your link says nothing of the sort.

Partial birth abortion procedures does not involve killing a newborn baby, and is most often used when the fetus is either dead, or about to die anyway. As such, it is currently legal in most, if not all states. We are talking about ending a pregnancy that already has a dead fetus, in order to save a woman.

One of the sicker things that the anti-abortion crowd has done is force women to carry dead and dying fetuses. These are women who wanted to have a child, but are not going to have a child. The only question is will the woman's life be saved. We have a Supreme Court who is asking how many organs should a woman lose to save a fetus who is never going to be a baby.
in 2022 Michigan passed a constitutional amendment guaranteeing abortion rights through the 9th month.......Virginia's previous governor pledged to sign a bill permitting termination of a child's life AFTER birth........when Obama was an Illinois state senator he sponsored a bill permitting abortion providers to terminate the life of a child "accidentally born alive.......it's what your party stands for.........
Your opinions are noted, Minion.
in 2022 Michigan passed a constitutional amendment guaranteeing abortion rights through the 9th month.......Virginia's previous governor pledged to sign a bill permitting termination of a child's life AFTER birth........when Obama was an Illinois state senator he sponsored a bill permitting abortion providers to terminate the life of a child "accidentally born alive.......it's what your party stands for.........
All if medically necessary. But if those rare cases were dropped, leaving abortion not on option for them, would the opposition to abortion go away?

Not at all. Those almost never seen cases are a cudgel for opposing abortion altogether.
All if medically necessary. But if those rare cases were dropped, leaving abortion not on option for them, would the opposition to abortion go away?

Not at all. Those almost never seen cases are a cudgel for opposing abortion altogether.
MAGAts lie. Usually they lie with half-truths as in this case where they imply that a woman who chooses to terminate a 9 month pregnancy can simply walk into a clinic and have it done on a whim, not because it was necessary to save her life.

'Partial-Birth Abortion': Separating Fact From Spin

"Partial birth abortion" isn't a medical term; it was made up by the NRL to politicize a medical procedure.

18 U.S. Code § 1531 - Partial-birth abortions​

(b)As used in this section—

(1)the term “partial-birth abortion” means an abortion in which the person performing the abortion—
deliberately and intentionally vaginally delivers a living fetus until, in the case of a head-first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother, or, in the case of breech presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother, for the purpose of performing an overt act that the person knows will kill the partially delivered living fetus; and
performs the overt act, other than completion of delivery, that kills the partially delivered living fetus;

in 2022 Michigan passed a constitutional amendment guaranteeing abortion rights through the 9th month.......Virginia's previous governor pledged to sign a bill permitting termination of a child's life AFTER birth........when Obama was an Illinois state senator he sponsored a bill permitting abortion providers to terminate the life of a child "accidentally born alive.......it's what your party stands for.........
Of course you conveniently leave out the pertinent stuff -- that late-term abortions may only be performed when 1) mom's life is threatened, and/or 2) the fetus is dead or will die shortly after birth.

You'd much rather see a living woman, who is quite likely already a mother, perish to make a scurrilous and false political point.

Poor Jesus. He deserves better followers.

18 U.S. Code § 1531 - Partial-birth abortions​

(b)As used in this section—

(1)the term “partial-birth abortion” means an abortion in which the person performing the abortion—
deliberately and intentionally vaginally delivers a living fetus until, in the case of a head-first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother, or, in the case of breech presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother, for the purpose of performing an overt act that the person knows will kill the partially delivered living fetus; and
performs the overt act, other than completion of delivery, that kills the partially delivered living fetus;

What's your point? It's still not the medical term for the procedure.

"The term was first coined by the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) in 1995 to describe a recently introduced medical procedure to remove fetuses from the womb. Alternately known as "dilation and extraction," or D&X, and "intact D&E," it involves removing the fetus intact by dilating a pregnant woman's cervix, then pulling the entire body out through the birth canal."
What's your point? It's still not the medical term for the procedure.

"The term was first coined by the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) in 1995 to describe a recently introduced medical procedure to remove fetuses from the womb. Alternately known as "dilation and extraction," or D&X, and "intact D&E," it involves removing the fetus intact by dilating a pregnant woman's cervix, then pulling the entire body out through the birth canal."

then pulling the entire body out through the birth canal

I thought it was goo?

And what do they do in this procedure after the body is pulled out through the birth canal????????
