APP - Did FBI use discredited Steele Dossier to get FISA Warrants?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

Feel free to listen to the entire interview by Lindsey Graham, but the relevant portion begins at 4:10

He seems to be telling us that the FBI did indeed use the discredited dossier to investigate and surveil President Trump. If this is confirmed, it would be explosive and would alone shut down this bogus witch hunt of an investigation.

Comey should be brought up on charges and tried for treason.
It's clear that the Obama Administration colluded with a foreign national to interfere in the electoral process.

DING ,DING,DING,where is my congressman and senators ,they should be screaming for justice.
that young man had his life screwed up for a couple of pictures,what these people did is criminal.
the people's reps. ask for paper work from the and doj and they told the people to fuck off.
where in the hell are our legislators,the fbi and doj are dirty as hell.

the TRUMP vote is watching ,we are not the president's base,we are 60% of the UNITED STATES .