Did gay icon cheat?

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With the release of her new single "Applause," Lady Gaga has made waves by encouraging questionable practices to get the song to the top of the charts.

Last week, Mother Monster held a contest which incentivized buying multiple copies of "Applause." The 27-year-old singer told her Twitter followers that the two fans with the most "purchase/gift screenshots, radio requests, 'Applause' selfies/video" will fly internationally to meet Gaga and attend the iTunes Festival in London and watch her performance.

Gaga continued to push her fans to get "Applause" to the top of the charts by tweeting out a link to watch the music video to the track. While the tweet has since been deleted, Gaga originally publicized a link which allowed users to watch the video 150 times in a row.

Billboard's Bill Werde took issue with the seemingly cheap tactic to get video views, taking to Twitter to speak out against the practice. "I just hate to see anyone try to game the charts, be it fans or artists," he wrote. "It's not in the spirit of what we do, celebrating success."
