Did Kennedy use a cell phone a lot?

I am certain he did uscit, and i bet he used his left ear to listen while using his right hand to take notes or flip thru files...tumor on left side :eek: hubby got out the headset to his phone tonight.....
It would be interesting to see what happened if it was PROVEN that using a cell phone gave you say a 30% chance of a brain tumor.
I actually don't use it that much to be honest. Sometimes I'll let the batter die and just leave it for days much to everyone's annoyance.
I use it to get voice mail and then call them back on a land line. I basically have it to call out during an emergency and to get voice mail. I also use it for the internet. But that isn't up by my head.
my hubby uses his headset most of the time. I hardly use my celly. Its this group of young adults right now who have grown up with cells as part of their anatomy that I fear for. Texting may be saving lives.
And about those wireless bluetooth things hanging on your ear....

Aside from the EMF it is hard to tell if someone is like LadyT's cleaning lady or using a bluetooth earset.
And about those wireless bluetooth things hanging on your ear....

Aside from the EMF it is hard to tell if someone is like LadyT's cleaning lady or using a bluetooth earset.

LOL. Man, I wish she was using a blue tooth.
A few years ago I herd that your more likely to get a brain tumor if your a moderate to heavy user over long term. I have no idea where i herd it so im not even sure its accurate but I do remember something about it.
Edwards may need to recover some bucks he blew on his campaign. Now that he has a famous victim I bet he is working on the class action lawsuit as we speak.
He'll have to wait until he passes so he can "channel" him.

"If Ted were here today he'd say, 'whawirewmer, shswhshshuushuu!' like he always used to on the campaign trail!"