Did Lib Cabals Promote the Economic Downfall of US?


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I call a spade a spade, and many Libs cannot handle the truth, so naturally they try to degrade the messenger, a typical Leftist method, they will try to here. Libs have been brainwashing US for years with their Hippy Commune mentality. You Libs like team sports, don't you? You are against individual sports like Tennis and Golf, which are really the most difficult to master. You want the UN to run US, and you would like Obama to head the UN, admit the truth for once. Do radical Libs get their orders from Georgi Soros's gang of Commies, aka Cabalistas? Did Soros and the radical Left actually promote the economic downfall of US, so they could change the American Culture, aka Capitalism? Obama wants to control US with Foodstamps, etc, you Libs know that I speak the truth. Please run the Benghazi Babe, aka The Hillary, in 2016, that should be interesting. We need to bring up Whitewater again and the death of Ron Brown, and many more Clinton cronies.
what is with this fucking CRAZY bullshit about Libs and team sports?
There is a pattern to all this brainwashing and Team Sports promoting is just a small part of the overall picture. Why don't you address the other parts of my post like the Libs wanting Obama to head the UN, etc? Did Libs promote the economic downfall of US? Do Libs control US with FoodStamps? Is that why President Obama is known as the Food Stamp President? Libs know that as long as we keep our guns, we will stay free. Come on Vinny, try telling the truth for once in your Radical Life, it will cleanse your soul. You know that I do not speak with a forked tongue, as they say.
your side is the one who marches in locked step you fool
Folks, all Vinnie's answers are one-liners which supports my assertion that when Libs are bested with the facts, they will respond with one liners while trying to crawl away and hide. Baby "Howey" Huey and his butt buddy Zappy do this all the time. Now we have Vinnie here trying to do his backing away move with these simpleton one liners, except I will not let him get away with it. Although Vinnie sometimes acts like a FemiNazi, I am assuming that Vinnie is a he, or possibly in between, an it.
There is a pattern to all this brainwashing and Team Sports promoting is just a small part of the overall picture. Why don't you address the other parts of my post like the Libs wanting Obama to head the UN, etc? Did Libs promote the economic downfall of US? Do Libs control US with FoodStamps? Is that why President Obama is known as the Food Stamp President? Libs know that as long as we keep our guns, we will stay free. Come on Vinny, try telling the truth for once in your Radical Life, it will cleanse your soul. You know that I do not speak with a forked tongue, as they say.

I want to be rude to you and immature like you kids always are. But let me explain.

Your focus is probably on the recent posts about superficiality about name brands. Name brands are ALWAYS the best because I am a sheep. I have to be told what Art is pretty. I have to be told what clothing is popular. I have no room for a thought when I stand to challenge art. The Upper class tells me what to think about it.

"Who should get paid more...a person wearing a helmet defending our Country and Freedom or a Football player."

Diving into the rest of your questions; "Why don't you address the other parts of my post like the Libs wanting Obama to head the UN.....I don't give a FUCK who leads the UN. The UN should be driven by WORDS more than BOMBS.

Did Libs promote the economic downfall of US..........are you that uneducated? Did you see when Clinton was lowering our national debt and improving the economy? Did you also see when he signed NAFTA and lowered taxes on the rich?

The Right thinks the US needs Foodstamps for votes. Are you stating that people that are on hard times in America when outsourcing is extreme is wrong? Are you stating "Solo I stand" or do you want to correct yourself and hope that the rest of the Country will stand behind you when you hit those hard times and be "United We Stand"
I call a spade a spade, and many Libs cannot handle the truth, so naturally they try to degrade the messenger, a typical Leftist method, they will try to here. Libs have been brainwashing US for years with their Hippy Commune mentality. You Libs like team sports, don't you? You are against individual sports like Tennis and Golf, which are really the most difficult to master. You want the UN to run US, and you would like Obama to head the UN, admit the truth for once. Do radical Libs get their orders from Georgi Soros's gang of Commies, aka Cabalistas? Did Soros and the radical Left actually promote the economic downfall of US, so they could change the American Culture, aka Capitalism? Obama wants to control US with Foodstamps, etc, you Libs know that I speak the truth. Please run the Benghazi Babe, aka The Hillary, in 2016, that should be interesting. We need to bring up Whitewater again and the death of Ron Brown, and many more Clinton cronies.

I know I'm not supposed to feed the troll but JakasS is such an easy target that I can't resist.

1. Who told you Liberals don't like individual sports, Rush, Hannity? Where did you get such an idiotic idea? Ohhh I get it, it's the all-for-1 team mentality that you don't like. People working together for a common goal is against your conservative ideology of every man for himself and to hell with society. This goes back to your conditioning. People working together have more power and your corporate masters hate unions or employees banning together for the good of the group. I get it. Do you?
My dad was a boxer, he trained me in my teen yrs. I'm old but I'll go a couple of rounds with you, then i'll beat you at poker. I'll admit you can probably drink more than I can, I'll give that one to you.

2. the U.S. run by the UN headed by Obama. Didn't they say the same thing about Clinton? Hasn't Alex Jones been promoting this bullshit for... oh... 40 yrs? This is not only a dead horse but the corpse has rotted away.

3. Do radical Libs get their orders from Georgi Soros?
No. You believe Soros gives more and controls the democrats more than Sheldon Adelson controls the Republicons? Do you know who Sheldon Adelson is? Do you know how much Chinese casino money he spent on the last election, and why? This is only 4 paragraphs, shouldn't take you more than 1/2 hour to read.
What does Adelson want in return? No business man donates as much as him and doesn't expect a huge return on his money.

4. Now the best one.
Did Soros and the radical Left actually promote the economic downfall of US, so they could change the American Culture, aka Capitalism?
Do you remember Ross Perott? Remember when he talked about the 'big whooshing sound' of our jobs going away? It was early 90's I think (if you weren't born yet I'll give you a pass). He was talking about Nafta/Gatt. N/G was Reagan's dream, pushed thru by Bush I, and signed by clinton.

That's when I no longer supported the Clintons. THAT'S when American Culture began to change. Protecting American workers and industry and not pitting them against slave labor in China is what should have happened, instead, because of your international conservative, monopolistic capitalism, this country is fucked.

I'm starting to think JS is really a liberal posing as a wacked-out teabagger to make the right look loonier than they already are.
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Of fuck. Now you did it! Don't you know that Billy considers that a Rule 14 violation????


I know you're not really gone.