APP - Did Mikey lie to Bobby?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

Looks like Mikey is trying desperately to stay out of the slammer. I can't blame him.

Something struck me as odd about this recent revelation post Mueller exoneration of President Trump.

Clinton lawyer Lanny Davis made this comment about Michael Cohen "has recently obtained a hard drive with 14 million files from his computers and phones over the past 10 years,"

Now this raises the question, where have those files been all of this time? Why is he only now finding them? He didn't know of their existence prior to now? Was he suppressing evidence? Did the FBI not find them?

The FBI raided his office

Also, it has been reported that Mikey Cohen has cooperated FULLY with Bobby Muller. So why didn't he turn these files over to Bobby?

Do you think any leftist or member of the Democrat Media Industrial Complex will ask these simple questions? Probably not. Their voyeuristic tendencies and desire to take down the President at all costs will blind them to logic and fact. But, that is why you have me.