Did MJ Pass?


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TMZ is claiming Michael Jackson died but haven't seen any confirmations. Damn, don't fools talk about things happening in threes? MJ, Farrah and Ed McMahon? (sp) Wow.
Sorry I posted on this after you did. From your title I thought you were speaking of pot leglislation somewhere.
The sad thing is this overshadows Farrah's death and IMO she was a better person. But the death of Michael Jackson is on par with the death of Elvis Presley.
No Michael Jackso did not pass. He failed. He failed to breathe, failed to have a heartbeat, and failed to continue.

Our society is so afraid of death we even refuse to say the words.

People pass, pass on, kick the bucket, pass away, (insert the "dead" words scene from Patch Adams here)
No Michael Jackso did not pass. He failed. He failed to breathe, failed to have a heartbeat, and failed to continue.

Our society is so afraid of death we even refuse to say the words.

People pass, pass on, kick the bucket, pass away, (insert the "dead" words scene from Patch Adams here)

I like rap music. I have no problem saying dead, killed, murder etc.
The sad thing is this overshadows Farrah's death and IMO she was a better person. But the death of Michael Jackson is on par with the death of Elvis Presley.
All I've seen on the tube is stuff about Farah and how she taped the battle with cancer for everybody to watch.
No Michael Jackso did not pass. He failed. He failed to breathe, failed to have a heartbeat, and failed to continue.

Our society is so afraid of death we even refuse to say the words.

People pass, pass on, kick the bucket, pass away, (insert the "dead" words scene from Patch Adams here)
George Carlin had a great routine about how people bullshit themeselves with euphamisms.