Did Noah sail from Atlantis

Mason 22

Verified User
Did Noah sail from Atlantis?
The timeline fits,Atlantis did go under,we have no idea how deep the oceans are,or if they were salt water or fresh water at that time.
Then how modern was Atlantis and the world system at the time?
Hum???? I wonder if Bill Cosby would know?
I wonder if Bill Cosby would know what to do about electric shark boat scenarios, what do you think?
Did Noah sail from Atlantis?
The timeline fits,Atlantis did go under,we have no idea how deep the oceans are,or if they were salt water or fresh water at that time.
Then how modern was Atlantis and the world system at the time?
Hum???? I wonder if Bill Cosby would know?

Noah didn’t sail anywhere because one person can’t build a cruise ship without power tools.
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