Did \o/ kill himself?

Yeah I like Grind. It has been interesting watching him grow up some on here.
A limited window on grindom, but a window.

When I first met him on here he was a Screw everyone but Grind kind of guy.
Part was a front I think, but part was not.
He is now a pretty respectable example of a human.

I hope he does well in life.
Yeah I like Grind. It has been interesting watching him grow up some on here.
A limited window on grindom, but a window.

When I first met him on here he was a Screw everyone but Grind kind of guy.
Part was a front I think, but part was not.
He is now a pretty respectable example of a human.

I hope he does well in life.

He'll do great. But he's a poker flake.
I talked to him today. Although he didn't respond to my latest IM, that was probably because it was lengthy drunken diatribe on the complexities of illegal immigration.
I talked to him today. Although he didn't respond to my latest IM, that was probably because it was lengthy drunken diatribe on the complexities of illegal immigration.

Have your soap opera if that's what you seek. Otherwise I was just sayin'.