APP - Did Watergate hurt the democrat party more than the republican party?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
As we watch the left lose their collective minds over the mere existence of President Trump and I watch them run their playbook trying to get rid of him I have wondered if they have been too stuck in the past.

Watergate was a watershed moment for the left and the media in particular. It was where they realized that they had the power to get rid of political opponents by applying enough public pressure. Remember, Nixon was never impeached. The media noise machine created enough pressure that republicans cracked.

Well, ever since then the left has been trying to rerun that same play

They did it with Iran Contra
They did it with Iraq War
They are doing it now with Russian Collusion
They did it with Kavanaugh
They did it with Clarence Thomas

How many times have leftists attached "-gate" to something? How many times have leftists tried to draw correlations between "republican of the day" and Richard Nixon. I mean the left has actually gotten so desperate they are calling John Dean to testify on the Mullet Report.

But, they have not really been able to replicate their Watergate success. But, they can't get out of their own way and they keep returning to that same playbook thinking this time it will yield the same success. I think in the aggregate it is hurting their party because it blinds them to reality. Instead of trying to win over voters, they try to demonize those who beat them politically.