APP - Did Woodward blow a hole in Russian collusion?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

According to the left, President Trump is a puppet of Putin because Putin helped him win the election because Putin has dirt on Trump. That is what they believe

Woodward wants us to believe that Trump ordered the assassination of Bashir Assad

Now there is ZERO question that Assad is Putin’s boy. He has been propped up by Putin for years

So why would Trump launch attacks against Assad and threaten to kill Putin’s boy?


According to the left, President Trump is a puppet of Putin because Putin helped him win the election because Putin has dirt on Trump. That is what they believe

Woodward wants us to believe that Trump ordered the assassination of Bashir Assad

Now there is ZERO question that Assad is Putin’s boy. He has been propped up by Putin for years

So why would Trump launch attacks against Assad and threaten to kill Putin’s boy?


the entire trump is soft on russia narrative is 100% fake news. It obviously makes no sense. Why would trump ever do that if he was afraid of putin or putin had something on him? the answer is he woudln't.

leftists are Orwellian and are capable of having two contradicting thoughts in their head at the same time. They simultaneously believe trump is putins bitch and also believe he needs to be restrained from assassinating a strong putin ally. They believe both these things when it is convenient for them. no shame, no scruples. no principles.

your threads in APP are always awesome and top notch.