Did you know.? Ron DeSantis is a much-decorated navy vet and former SEAL

Text Drivers are Killers

Joe Biden - "Time to put Trump in the bullseye."
Democrats are really dumb to attack trump. If dems get their wish and trump does not run in 2024, ronnie will and he will be a stronger candidate by far. He's only 44 right now and does not have all the enemies trump has.


In 2004, during his second year at Harvard Law, DeSantis was commissioned an officer in the U.S. Navy and assigned to the Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps (JAG). He completed Naval Justice School in 2005. Later that year, he received orders to the JAG Trial Service Office Command South East at Naval Station Mayport, Florida, as a prosecutor. He was promoted from lieutenant, junior grade to lieutenant in 2006. He worked for the commander of Joint Task Force-Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO), working directly with detainees at the Guantanamo Bay Joint Detention Facility.[18][19][20]

In 2007, DeSantis reported to the Naval Special Warfare Command Group in Coronado, California, where he was assigned to SEAL Team One and deployed to Iraq[21] with the troop surge as the Legal Advisor to the SEAL Commander, Special Operations Task Force-West in Fallujah.[18][19][20]

DeSantis returned to the U.S. in April 2008, at which time he was reassigned to the Naval Region Southeast Legal Service. The U.S. Department of Justice appointed him to serve as a Special Assistant U.S. attorney[21] at the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Middle District of Florida. DeSantis was assigned as a trial defense counsel until his honorable discharge from active duty in February 2010. He concurrently accepted a reserve commission as a lieutenant in the Judge Advocate General's Corps of the US Navy Reserve.[22]

During his military career, DeSantis has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the Iraq Campaign Medal.[18][19][20] As of 2022, he was still serving in the U.S. Navy Reserve.[23]
So Texting Driver is back to stolen valor. It shows how disgusting he has become in his insane defense of the alt right.

Ron DeSantis is a much-decorated navy vet and former SEAL

DeSantis is not a former Navy SEAL. He did not go through SEAL training, and was never a member of the SEALs. He was assigned as support staff to the Navy SEALs, just like the janitorial services and the people who cook the Navy SEALs food. Except those support staffs don't get to work in an air conditioned office all day like DeSantis did.

By all accounts he was terrible at his job. He did not realize it was mostly estate planning, and the like. He had little specific education or experience in what most Navy SEALs needed.

He received no combat decorations, having never seen any combat. He did receive similar decorations to Beau Biden, the deceased son of the President. Both received Bronze Stars, but only Biden saw anything close to combat.
So Texting Driver is back to stolen valor. It shows how disgusting he has become in his insane defense of the alt right.

DeSantis is not a former Navy SEAL. He did not go through SEAL training, and was never a member of the SEALs. He was assigned as support staff to the Navy SEALs, just like the janitorial services and the people who cook the Navy SEALs food. Except those support staffs don't get to work in an air conditioned office all day like DeSantis did.

By all accounts he was terrible at his job. He did not realize it was mostly estate planning, and the like. He had little specific education or experience in what most Navy SEALs needed.

He received no combat decorations, having never seen any combat. He did receive similar decorations to Beau Biden, the deceased son of the President. Both received Bronze Stars, but only Biden saw anything close to combat.

You lie like they yella-bellied yankee you are. Ronnie is a military hero. Even super-left wikipedia admits it.
So Texting Driver is back to stolen valor. It shows how disgusting he has become in his insane defense of the alt right.

DeSantis is not a former Navy SEAL. He did not go through SEAL training, and was never a member of the SEALs. He was assigned as support staff to the Navy SEALs, just like the janitorial services and the people who cook the Navy SEALs food. Except those support staffs don't get to work in an air conditioned office all day like DeSantis did.

By all accounts he was terrible at his job. He did not realize it was mostly estate planning, and the like. He had little specific education or experience in what most Navy SEALs needed.

He received no combat decorations, having never seen any combat. He did receive similar decorations to Beau Biden, the deceased son of the President. Both received Bronze Stars, but only Biden saw anything close to combat.

You have a 'full of shit' version of things.

DeSantis was commissioned as an officer in the Navy as part of the JAG corps. That is, he was a lawyer. He was assigned to SEAL Team 1 as a legal advisor. That means he didn't undergo BUDS and other physical SEAL training and wouldn't get a Trident awarded, but rather was part of the unit's HQ staff advising the team on legal matters.
I manufactured a bunch of stuff for SEAL units in Coronado San Diego, but that doesn't make me a SEAL either. DeSantis was deployed to Iraq with his SEAL Team and did serve in Fallujah. That's very similar to Beau Biden's military service on the whole.
DeSantis is not a Navy Seal, nor is he a "military hero".

Depends on your definition of "hero." Is being in the service doing your job enough? I was in an engineering rating in the Navy. I made stuff, ran machinery, or fixed stuff. That was my job, and one I did in peace and war. It was my job to make sure the lights stayed on, that power was available, and that the pointy end had the things they needed to fight.
So, was say saving the Navy millions by making a softball field covered with portable generators that were the wrong voltage and frequency converted to the correct ones and usable heroic? I didn't think so then, but it meant that those generators were available rather than sold off as worthless and more purchased at great cost and delay.
Was being able to board a ship and fix their electrical issues and ensure their timely deployment heroic? Probably not. But it meant that the ship and crew could do their job when they were looking at failure because of those issues.

DeSantis did his job. Beau Biden did his job. Hunter Biden on the other hand, was a worthless sack of drug sniffing shit that got dismissed from naval service because he was, and is, a total fuck up. Joe Biden and Trump are weasels for finding legal ways to avoid military service. Bill Clinton is an out-and-out draft dodger. Obama dodged that bullet so there's nothing there to say about him one way or the other. That's fair and honest.
DeSantis was commissioned as an officer in the Navy as part of the JAG corps. That is, he was a lawyer. He was assigned to SEAL Team 1 as a legal advisor.

So far, you are 100% correct. He was part of the support staff of SEAL Team 1, but you are about to veer into fantasyland.

That means he didn't undergo BUDS and other physical SEAL training and wouldn't get a Trident awarded

Yes, he would have had to qualify as a Navy Seal to get the Navy Seal Trident award, which is why he does not have a Navy Seal Trident award. Do you see how that works?

Unless it was one of those "top secret Tridents" we keep hearing the stolen valor crew talking about.

but rather was part of the unit's HQ staff advising the team on legal matters.

That is what he did. He worked in an air conditioned office advising the Navy SEALs. They did not take him on missions.
Depends on your definition of "hero."

This is the point that DeSantis can stand up and be a man. He tried to make it look like he was in the Navy SEALs, but did not actually lie and say he was in the Navy SEALs. He has been careful to block as much access to his military records as he can. Now he is having his surrogates lying and saying he was in the Navy SEALs. What a real man would do is say definitively he was never in the Navy SEALs, and that he did his job legally advising them in an air conditioned office... Instead, he is remaining silent as he has others lie about him.

If you think I am wrong, you can prove it by showing me any evidence that DeSantis has a Navy SEAL Trident. It should be easy to prove, if correct.
DeSantis was deployed to Iraq with his SEAL Team and did serve in Fallujah.

They were not his team, and I doubt he was in Fallujah. The Navy SEAL team was deployed to Al Anbar province, and did go into Fallujah, but they would not have had their base in a major city. Their base, and their support staff(including DeSantis) was out in the dessert somewhere well protected.

Beau Biden had to actually deal with Iraqi government officials, who were in cities, and therefore went to places like Fallujah.
This is the point that DeSantis can stand up and be a man. He tried to make it look like he was in the Navy SEALs, but did not actually lie and say he was in the Navy SEALs. He has been careful to block as much access to his military records as he can. Now he is having his surrogates lying and saying he was in the Navy SEALs. What a real man would do is say definitively he was never in the Navy SEALs, and that he did his job legally advising them in an air conditioned office... Instead, he is remaining silent as he has others lie about him.

If you think I am wrong, you can prove it by showing me any evidence that DeSantis has a Navy SEAL Trident. It should be easy to prove, if correct.

He was in Navy SEALs because he was assigned to a SEAL unit. He wasn't an actual SEAL however. It's a fine distinction, sort of hair splitting if you will. I was assigned to MIUW 106 for a while. That's a special ops unit that does what might be called coast watching. It's half people like sonar and radar techs and the like, half engineers. My job was to make sure the generators ran, and train others on them. I also hung lighting and power in the tents and such. I got an M16 as I was also supposed to be security when not fixing or running electrical gear.

That mostly made me some smuck freezing his ass off at two in the morning making sure the generators were still running smoothly, in between using "big eyes" and patrolling the unit perimeter. Nothing heroic in that either, I suppose. But that was my job, in peace or war with that unit.
He was in Navy SEALs because he was assigned to a SEAL unit. He wasn't an actual SEAL however. It's a fine distinction, sort of hair splitting if you will. I was assigned to MIUW 106 for a while. That's a special ops unit that does what might be called coast watching. It's half people like sonar and radar techs and the like, half engineers. My job was to make sure the generators ran, and train others on them. I also hung lighting and power in the tents and such. I got an M16 as I was also supposed to be security when not fixing or running electrical gear.

That mostly made me some smuck freezing his ass off at two in the morning making sure the generators were still running smoothly, in between using "big eyes" and patrolling the unit perimeter. Nothing heroic in that either, I suppose. But that was my job, in peace or war with that unit.

Do you imagine that Almost Never Right Walt can hear you?

Or wants to?
He was in Navy SEALs because he was assigned to a SEAL unit. He wasn't an actual SEAL however.

A little while ago, you were claiming that he was a full actual SEAL with the Trident on his uniform, and all the physical training. Now you are claiming that anyone who sweeps the floors for the Navy SEALs is a Navy SEAL, because they are assigned to support the Navy SEALs. The military does not work that way. He was assigned to support the Navy SEALs in a SUPPORT unit attached the the Navy SEALs.

Every Marine is a rifleman (or riflewoman these days). That is not just a slogan, the Marines really take it to heart. There are jobs supporting the Marines that required not to carry a rifle. Not cooks, or janitors, who are not required to carry a rifle, but can. We are talking medics, and chaplains who are actually required not to carry a rifle. Medics and chaplains that serve the Marines are NOT Marines. They are Navy corpsmen(medics) and Navy chaplains. They are not in the Marines, and would never lie and say they were.

I was assigned to MIUW 106 for a while.

To be honest with you, any military claims you make now are highly suspect. You do not even know the difference between a support unit and its combat unit.
Depends on your definition of "hero." Is being in the service doing your job enough? I was in an engineering rating in the Navy. I made stuff, ran machinery, or fixed stuff. That was my job, and one I did in peace and war. It was my job to make sure the lights stayed on, that power was available, and that the pointy end had the things they needed to fight.
So, was say saving the Navy millions by making a softball field covered with portable generators that were the wrong voltage and frequency converted to the correct ones and usable heroic? I didn't think so then, but it meant that those generators were available rather than sold off as worthless and more purchased at great cost and delay.
Was being able to board a ship and fix their electrical issues and ensure their timely deployment heroic? Probably not. But it meant that the ship and crew could do their job when they were looking at failure because of those issues.

DeSantis did his job. Beau Biden did his job. Hunter Biden on the other hand, was a worthless sack of drug sniffing shit that got dismissed from naval service because he was, and is, a total fuck up. Joe Biden and Trump are weasels for finding legal ways to avoid military service. Bill Clinton is an out-and-out draft dodger. Obama dodged that bullet so there's nothing there to say about him one way or the other. That's fair and honest.
We should always thank every veteran for their service, so thank you very much for yours...
A little while ago, you were claiming that he was a full actual SEAL with the Trident on his uniform, and all the physical training.

Prove it. I never said any such thing.

To be honest with you, any military claims you make now are highly suspect. You do not even know the difference between a support unit and its combat unit.

And you need to return to reality...
Democrats are really dumb to attack trump. If dems get their wish and trump does not run in 2024, ronnie will and he will be a stronger candidate by far. He's only 44 right now and does not have all the enemies trump has.

Unfortunately, he supports strong state power over individual liberties.
HAHAHA. Listen to this idiot. He thinks desantis is a democrat!!!

No, he is one of those Republicans who says one thing and does the opposite . You obviously have not kept up with his oppressive state actions.

Some Republicans do not mind excessive government control if they control things the person does not like.