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Willin to be Chillin
If you're gonna play in the band in Texas.....

You have to have a fiddle....

Visit my awesome mom this weekend and she has this country music going and this one came on as I walked in. I said this ain't Texas and do you have a fiddle.... I got an eye roll and that was it.
Did you know mom's are more awesome than you think? Dad's leave, mom's stay (99%) of the time.

Walking up our driveway as a wee lad, came across a huge rattler, seemed liked 8 feet at the time.... Brother and I ran to mom and she simply grabbed a hoe and chopped the snakes head off.

That was Sparta.
yurt you should have started this thread 3 minutes earlier. of course for you it would have been 1:20, but est true time is what matters