Did you know?....


Staff member
Did you know that Japan tested an atomic bomb just three days after Nagasaki or six days after Hiroshima?

Did you know that they had even detonated a nuclear explosion before Hiroshima?

After surrender, only one salvaged file remained after they burned all their war files. It was given to one Kazuo Kuroda, whose name was on no documents and therefore he could care for the document without fear of being tried as a war criminal.

The young gentleman migrated to the US, on a special VISA, one of those that the German scientists were brought in on. He became a teacher, showed it to students, but the information was still hidden. After his death his wife made the documents public.

Did you know that Japan tested an atomic bomb just three days after Nagasaki or six days after Hiroshima?

Did you know that they had even detonated a nuclear explosion before Hiroshima?

After surrender, only one salvaged file remained after they burned all their war files. It was given to one Kazuo Kuroda, whose name was on no documents and therefore he could care for the document without fear of being tried as a war criminal.

The young gentleman migrated to the US, on a special VISA, one of those that the German scientists were brought in on. He became a teacher, showed it to students, but the information was still hidden. After his death his wife made the documents public.


No, I didn't know that. How interesting!
If they hadn't wasted their time and resources on experimenting with death rays, they would have had it even sooner - just like Hitler and jetplanes. Neat story though, Damo!
Did you know that Japan tested an atomic bomb just three days after Nagasaki or six days after Hiroshima?

Did you know that they had even detonated a nuclear explosion before Hiroshima?

After surrender, only one salvaged file remained after they burned all their war files. It was given to one Kazuo Kuroda, whose name was on no documents and therefore he could care for the document without fear of being tried as a war criminal.

The young gentleman migrated to the US, on a special VISA, one of those that the German scientists were brought in on. He became a teacher, showed it to students, but the information was still hidden. After his death his wife made the documents public.


It's interesting that all the powers started independently going for the bomb at the same time, and only America got done with it in time.

What's with the "it wouldn't have been very powerful" talk? An extremely weak nuclear bomb takes a lot of research to actually develop. I can't see how their bomb could have been weak enough to not level Honolulu.
It's interesting that all the powers started independently going for the bomb at the same time, and only America got done with it in time.

What's with the "it wouldn't have been very powerful" talk? An extremely weak nuclear bomb takes a lot of research to actually develop. I can't see how their bomb could have been weak enough to not level Honolulu.

Not too mention that the US was really not sure how the bomb would work. It may have been a dud, it might have unleashed something beyond their guesses. They were scared.

Anyone ever read CP Snow, The New Men? Great, troubling book. He was involved with the Manhattan Project. I think it's still in print.
The fact that three major powers all developed the nuke separately yet in the same time frame hints at an outside influence, IMHO...
Russia only pursued the bomb because they noticed that nothing had been published by German, Japanese, or American scientists on the subject of nuclear fission since its discovery in 1939.

Stalin found it understandably suspicious.
Russia only pursued the bomb because they noticed that nothing had been published by German, Japanese, or American scientists on the subject of nuclear fission since its discovery in 1939.

Stalin found it understandably suspicious.

Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean everyone isn't out to get you. :cof1:
Never forget the unexpected bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki...never forget american barbarism.