Diddy is going down, while Trump remains above the law


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Its incredible how swift NY prosecutors has taken on Diddy and his disgusting deeds...while Trump who is just as guilty in his crimes, remain free. Both are nothing but US citizens, yet one seems to be above the fuckin law, because he's using the bid for the white house as his shield. If Diddy was smart, he should have ran for President, at least he could have bought himself some time. Please note, I'm not a hip hop fan and could give two fucks about this negro and his obsession with sex. A fuckin billionaire with all the blessings a racist nation can bestow upon a black man and true to form, the n**** fucks it up. So I hope he spends the rest of his life in prison and then some. The most destructive word used to corrupt humans is the quest for absolute power over others.....none are ever satisfied until they self destruct.​


Its incredible how swift NY prosecutors has taken on Diddy and his disgusting deeds...while Trump who is just as guilty in his crimes, remain free. Both are nothing but US citizens, yet one seems to be above the fuckin law, because he's using the bid for the white house as his shield. If Diddy was smart, he should have ran for President, at least he could have bought himself some time. Please note, I'm not a hip hop fan and could give two fucks about this negro and his obsession with sex. A fuckin billionaire with all the blessings a racist nation can bestow upon a black man and true to form, the n**** fucks it up. So I hope he spends the rest of his life in prison and then some. The most destructive word used to corrupt humans is the quest for absolute power over others.....none are ever satisfied until they self destruct.​

Trump is "guilty" of crimes? Because you say so? Because you ignorant leftist donkey bumpers say it's so? You guys aren't worrying about convicting him anymore now its just kill trump.

Its incredible how swift NY prosecutors has taken on Diddy and his disgusting deeds...while Trump who is just as guilty in his crimes, remain free. Both are nothing but US citizens, yet one seems to be above the fuckin law, because he's using the bid for the white house as his shield. If Diddy was smart, he should have ran for President, at least he could have bought himself some time. Please note, I'm not a hip hop fan and could give two fucks about this negro and his obsession with sex. A fuckin billionaire with all the blessings a racist nation can bestow upon a black man and true to form, the n**** fucks it up. So I hope he spends the rest of his life in prison and then some. The most destructive word used to corrupt humans is the quest for absolute power over others.....none are ever satisfied until they self destruct.​

Trump is "guilty" of crimes? Because you say so? Because you ignorant leftist donkey bumpers say it's so? You guys aren't worrying about convicting him anymore now its just kill trump.

The white bitch is on tape spewing terroristic tones and corrupt lies of fraud to nuts like you, moron...stop trying to force fake news bullshit down the throats of us who are smart enough to see evil and recognize it, dumb ass Nazi fuck!!​


Diddy is so fucked up he loaded his house with baby lotion and lube oils....the man is sick. I hope and pray his obsession with sex extends in federal prison and his room mate is just as obsessed...LOL KARMA IS A B....​
