Didn't tRump promise to bring back coal jobs? Yet another unkept "promise".


Verified User

You certainly cannot blame the coal industry workers for believing the tRump campaign bullshit in 2016. After all, their industry is dying and desperation can often lead to bad choices. After 4 years of seeing nothing positive come to the industry - with the exception of massive tax cuts to the coal barons - it will be interesting to see if they buy into more tRump lies this fall.
I agree that tRump inhereted a damn good economy from Obama. That said, almost 100k deaths can hardly be considered a hoax. Then again, if tRump cared as much about the country as he does publicity, money, cheeseburgers and golfing, we may have never had a pandemic to begin with.
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Hello Quasar44,

Best economy in history until fake virus hysteria

It was a lopsided economy that favors the rich who have the most influence over government.

The virus is real.

The economy did not have to be trashed if we had good leadership. Aggressive proactive testing, contact tracing and targeted quarantining would have allowed us to control the virus, rather than letting it control us. But that would have required sharp decisive leadership, and all we have is a greedy faker propped up by conned sycophants and the greedy rich power junkies.

Bad leadership turned a threat into a disaster.
Hello Quasar44,

It was a lopsided economy that favors the rich who have the most influence over government.

The virus is real.

The economy did not have to be trashed if we had good leadership. Aggressive proactive testing, contact tracing and targeted quarantining would have allowed us to control the virus, rather than letting it control us. But that would have required sharp decisive leadership, and all we have is a greedy faker propped up by conned sycophants and the greedy rich power junkies.

Bad leadership turned a threat into a disaster.

Virus was a Fraud

Same death rate as flu
.3 per
Chinese Flu is a big zero

Trump is losing today but after the economic rebound and debates - he will be winning
Biden is mentally destroyed man
Hello Quasar44,

Not true, it's quite real.

Comparing a yearly flu figure to a few months of COVID is meaningless.

Wait till COVID has had a year. Then look at the numbers.

The hilariousness of Quasar's debate is astounding. Even if you equate COVID to the Flu (which is a case of severe flawed logic) the flue is certainly no "fraud". As such, his lame comparison is totally bogus to begin with.
Hello Tacomaman,

The hilariousness of Quasar's debate is astounding. Even if you equate COVID to the Flu (which is a case of severe flawed logic) the flue is certainly no "fraud". As such, his lame comparison is totally bogus to begin with.

True that.

What I get in a lot of right wing arguments is these are the things they are telling themselves to try to convince themselves their position is valid. Telling yourself something which is not true does not make it true, no matter how many times the meme is rehearsed.
Hello Tacomaman,

True that.

What I get in a lot of right wing arguments is these are the things they are telling themselves to try to convince themselves their position is valid. Telling yourself something which is not true does not make it true, no matter how many times the meme is rehearsed.

tRump provided the coal industry with a glimmer of hope and then failed again. We will see very soon if these hard working folks can be fooled twice.
Hello Tacomaman,

tRump provided the coal industry with a glimmer of hope and then failed again. We will see very soon if these hard working folks can be fooled twice.

HE gave them something to cling to if they didn't want to accept reality. He took advantage of their issues.