Difference between faith and science: a flowchart


They left out. "Let someone tell you what to think" On the religious chart.

It was a bit over simplified. got an idea? yes= talk to the priest no=read the bible.
I call that a nice religious wacko Burn.
And Watergerber is hereby promoted to solid food eating college student who gets it.
so you are saying do not think about it just have faith?
Yep that is in the flowchart :D

no....try having faith before dismissing it...you guys constantly challenge those of faith to argue your science and non belief in god...eg., experience your POV...yet you are unwilling to do the same
no....try having faith before dismissing it...you guys constantly challenge those of faith to argue your science and non belief in god...eg., experience your POV...yet you are unwilling to do the same
You have it backwards. Ya'll use your faith and lack of understanding to accuse us of non-belief in god because we do understand science.
no....try having faith before dismissing it...you guys constantly challenge those of faith to argue your science and non belief in god...eg., experience your POV...yet you are unwilling to do the same

Faith is not just something you can deicide to aquire.
Some people long for it some do not. I am in the extreme minority in this.

I do not have a "god shaped hole" in my psyche. I feel no need to worship anyone or anything.
Faith is not just something you can deicide to aquire.
Some people long for it some do not. I am in the extreme minority in this.

I do not have a "god shaped hole" in my psyche. I feel no need to worship anyone or anything.
I'm an apathist. I'm not atheist or agnostic nor am I militant against religion so much as I just don't really give a shit. I can't think of a subject that boors me more. I'm just not that interested in it as it does not fill any need in me.

Having said that, I'm not niave about religion and how it does fill a need in many, if not most, peoples lives.