Dim-witted DEMOCRATS definitely devastating demesnes they dominate


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The political preferences of the inhabitants of these cities are quite unambiguous: they prefer DEMOCRATS.

For example, in San Francisco (California), the last Republican mayor was elected in 1964, in Honolulu in 1994, in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) in 1954, and in Chicago in 1931. In New York, America's city in the most dramatic financial hole, the last Republican mayor left office in 2001. Republican Rudy Giuliani was replaced by Michael Bloomberg, who left the Republican Party. Since 2014, the mayor of New York has been the quasi-Communist Bill de Blasio, who methodically injects socialism into the city.

The financial results of the DEMOCRATS' reign are such that the financial debt of Chicago and Philadelphia is about 30,000 dollars per resident. New York has fallen into a financial abyss, with more than 60,000 dollars for each resident of the city.

The financial capital of the world is naturally moving toward bankruptcy. By some estimates, this bankruptcy is inevitable. Retirees from city governments where DEMOCRATS mayors are elected should be prepared for the fact that their pension funds will stop paying out. Nobody expects cardinal replenishment of budgets in these cities.

Millionaires and billionaires are decamping from DEMOCRAT domains in droves. With the departure of the rich, jobs leave, and with the departure of ordinary citizens, so too departs the skilled workforce. Recently, one of the largest companies in the world, Amazon, abandoned its plans to relocate to New York.

It should be noted that in addition to fomenting financial collapse, Socialists, Communists, Social DEMOCRATS, and DEMOCRAT Socialists of New York City chose an additional (and unusual) method of self-extinction and losing political control over the city. Abortion is allowed in New York until the very moment of birth.

DEMOCRAT governance in action



A California DMV data operator slept three hours a day at her desk for three years, and the department failed to take disciplinary action — despite complaints from her colleagues, according to an audit released Tuesday.

Four witnesses told investigators from the California State Auditor’s office that the DMV employee consistently slept at her desk. The auditor estimated the employee misused 2,200 hours of work time between February 2014 and December 2017.

The employee continues to work for the state, according to the audit.
