Dinner is a callin'..............


Must get nurishment...the kids on this board wore me out tonight...!....WCGrouch brought me up to speed...dinner is the most important callin'...tonight steak,baked poatatoe....with sour cream and chives...nix that, going with cheddhar cheese...and a salad...outta beer must wait until tomorrow to stock up...

Hey damo whats with the smilies I can't access them...geeez!
Must get nurishment...the kids on this board wore me out tonight...!....WCGrouch brought me up to speed...dinner is the most important callin'...tonight steak,baked poatatoe....with sour cream and chives...nix that, going with cheddhar cheese...and a salad...outta beer must wait until tomorrow to stock up...

Hey damo whats with the smilies I can't access them...geeez!


Seems to work for me...