Dinner time........


I'm tired I am beat...need nutrition to survive...going for a Rib eye steak,salad and baked potatoe...need energy to continue this diatribe...a cold beer would also help...:cof1:
We went to the Cinema Grill and had dinner while watching The Golden Compass...

If you've read the book you will enjoy the movie. If you haven't, you will be confused.

Of course this is old news.... The movie isn't in the main theaters anymore...

I had my monthly employees dinner at my house this evening.
Grilled Sirloin steak, baked potatoes, salads and Black rasberry cobbler for desert. Dawgs and burgers and tater tots for the kiddies if they wanted them.
A family event.

Next month it is Crappie and catfish with the fixins.

I had my monthly employees dinner at my house this evening.
Grilled Sirloin steak, baked potatoes, salads and Black rasberry cobbler for desert. Dawgs and burgers and tater tots for the kiddies if they wanted them.
A family event.

Next month it is Crappie and catfish with the fixins.

Did your employees do bad...c'mon no one eats 'Crappie' they are akin to 'sun fish'...warm water mushy bonnyee ,yukee poor excuse for a fish! Bet they all are busy next month!:cof1:
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I hope I'm never so old that dinner is the highlight of my short, pointless day.

Because some of us actually have a life outside of politics...that is bad?:D it also breaks up the monotony of all these diatribes supporting ones candidate!
Because some of us actually have a life outside of politics...that is bad?:D it also breaks up the monotony of all these diatribes supporting ones candidate!
I can't believe I just read a sentence that didn't mention Ron Paul! Whatsa matter with ya?!!shiftplusone!
I love good food..............

LoL @ your sad, lonely little dinner being your "life outside of politics".

beer and a good night out...I love my kids and they love a great dinner and a night out sober...what part did you not understand?Never mind it was the mj and coke talking again!:rolleyes:
beer and a good night out...I love my kids and they love a great dinner and a night out sober...what part did you not understand?Never mind it was the mj and coke talking again!:rolleyes:

Right because I'm a coke addict who blows lines at 2:33 PM. I forgot.


I can't believe I just read a sentence that didn't mention Ron Paul! Whatsa matter with ya?!!shiftplusone!

The dude is a lost cause...so is Hillary and Obama...180 degrees of separation does not make a good president! I am having second thoughts about John McCain...Romney is more presidential as is even Huckabee...they both looked pretty presidential on the last GOP debates...John was a little too confident and his answers were weak to say the least! Like you said this is turning out to be a funny presidential run this cycle!
Just to piss off..........

the serious posters on this board...tonights dinner will be 'Pot roast',Mashed potatoes with brown gravy.salad and a beer..........:cof1:
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