Dinner with the Dead

I was listening to a local radio talk show the other day, and the topic was: "What 3 people would you bring back from the dead to have dinner with?" It was interesting to hear the various responses, some people would bring back their relatives, others picked historic world political figures, past presidents, entertainers or sports figures, it ran the gamut. I thought this might make for an interesting conversation here, but the only stipulation in difference, I want to avoid relatives. We all have favorite relatives we'd like to bring back, and various personal reasons for that, which aren't of great compelling interest to others. So... What 3 famous persons would you like to bring back from the dead for dinner? Also, explain just a bit about why you chose them, and what you'd want to talk about. I have my three, but I wanted to post this and allow others to contribute first, and I will post mine later.