‘Disappearing Illary’ sparks green screen conspiracy theory among Trump supporters

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster

Last week, Hillary Clinton was apparently using a body double. This week, she might actually be a hologram — or dead.

Ever since her infamous collapse at a 9/11 memorial service in New York, conspiracy theories about the Democratic presidential nominee have gone into overdrive.

So when Clinton appeared for her first post-pneumonia comeback rally in Greensboro, North Carolina, internet users smelled something fishy.

“It’s great to be back on the campaign trail,” Clinton — allegedly — told the crowd.

conspiracy theorists picked through the shorter-than-usual 20-minute speech, during which Clinton hammered rival Donald Trump — who she is set to debate for the first time in a little over a week — frame by frame.

The conclusion? Clinton wasn’t actually at the rally at all, appearing instead via green screen.

The main piece of evidence comes at 21:14 into the ABC live feed, where Clinton and her podium flicker and disappear for a split second, showing only the flag background behind her.

Others also pointed out at that Clinton does not seem to appear on the mobile phone screens of people in the crowd filming her entrance — and that the phone screens don’t seem to match the location at all, for that matter.

If that wasn’t spooky enough, there was the slightly odd moment at the end of Clinton’s speech at around 23:45 when she waves to the crowd, before turning, waving, and even pointing to the flag behind her.

Many were skeptical of the unusually “high energy” crowd noise, claiming the video was being spliced with an artificial crowd cheer or laugh track. At the 17:08 mark (16:34 in the ABC version) the crowd laughter seems to abruptly cut off.

Users of r/The_Donald were divided. “Conspiracy theories: one, she is so sick she can’t even leave home and only appears by green screen,” user one_comment_only wrote.

“Media does not mention it because they will do anything to cover for her. Two, something in the background would have been bad optics for her so they inserted the flag background to cover it and make her seem more patriotic.

“Three, she is a hologram now because she died over the weekend.”

User iltdiTX had a different take. “For the cell phone thing I think we have it backwards,” they wrote. “The audience is fake but she’s there. They are shopped in there to make her rallies look bigger and I think they were doing fake sounds too.

“This would explain why their cameras don’t show Hillary because they were recorded at another event.”

Funny how Trump supporters can listen to a man who steals from a charity foundation to pay legal fees is still their savior. Fear and paranoia guide the Trump voter.

"Hillary Clinton supporters ought not to get ahead of themselves, however. Those who said they would vote for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidate, scored lower than Mrs Clinton’s supporters in belief in conspiracy theories, pessimism and Christian fundamentalism. It would appear that neither right nor left has a monopoly on rationality. Welcome to the post-truth world." https://medium.com/the-economist/fe...ve-found-a-voice-in-donald-trump-be9ab89d883b

PS ever watch MSNBC, it breaks up often and if you search the web it is even mentioned. Maybe the Russians don't like the truth. LOL

"We cannot predict the future, but the past is changing before our very eyes." Soviet radio reporting on the Politburo’s deliberations
I am getting concerned about the mental capacity of a huge percent of Americans who fall for this bullshit.

Benghazi conspiracies....
Body doubles....
Now Green Screen....

What is wrong with people and why is the number of mentally incapacitated people growing so fast?