APP - discrimination is never far away during bad times

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
and in germany...

Divisive German banker launches immigration book
8/30/2010 6:24:00 AM

Associated Press/AP Online

BERLIN - A leading German banker whose remarks stereotyping Muslims and Jews have sparked outrage launched his new book on immigration issues Monday amid calls for his removal from the central bank's board. Chancellor Angela Merkel says the Bundesbank should dismiss board member Thilo Sarrazin after he said that "all Jews share the same gene" and that Muslim immigrants in Europe are unwilling or incapable of integrating into western societies.
In the book, Sarrazin maintains that immigrants have taken from Germany's welfare system without contributing enough to the country.
The Jewish and Muslim communities have also condemned his remarks, which came ahead of the launch of his book, "Deutschland Schafft Sich Ab," or "Germany Abolishes Itself."
Merkel's spokesman, Steffen Seibert, renewed the chancellor's call for the Bundesbank to consider Sarrazin's future.
"These are comments that only damage and don't help integration in this country, which is a national duty," Seibert said at a government news conference.
Last year, Sarrazin, who previously served as regional finance minister for Berlin, told a magazine that "I do not need to accept anyone who lives on handouts from a state that it rejects, is not adequately concerned about the education of their children and constantly produces new, little headscarf-clad girls."
He later apologized for those remarks.
However, Sarrazin, 65, would know full well that his country has had little tolerance for anti-Semitic remarks since the Holocaust, and that many of Germany's immigrants have complained about racist remarks and xenophobic behavior.
Several German lawmakers have demand that Sarrazin step down from his post as board member at the Bundesbank and resign his party membership of the left-leaning Social Democrats - demands that Sarrazin rejected.
A service of YellowBrix, Inc.
and in germany...

Divisive German banker launches immigration book
8/30/2010 6:24:00 AM

Associated Press/AP Online

BERLIN - A leading German banker whose remarks stereotyping Muslims and Jews have sparked outrage launched his new book on immigration issues Monday amid calls for his removal from the central bank's board. Chancellor Angela Merkel says the Bundesbank should dismiss board member Thilo Sarrazin after he said that "all Jews share the same gene" and that Muslim immigrants in Europe are unwilling or incapable of integrating into western societies.
In the book, Sarrazin maintains that immigrants have taken from Germany's welfare system without contributing enough to the country.
The Jewish and Muslim communities have also condemned his remarks, which came ahead of the launch of his book, "Deutschland Schafft Sich Ab," or "Germany Abolishes Itself."
Merkel's spokesman, Steffen Seibert, renewed the chancellor's call for the Bundesbank to consider Sarrazin's future.
"These are comments that only damage and don't help integration in this country, which is a national duty," Seibert said at a government news conference.
Last year, Sarrazin, who previously served as regional finance minister for Berlin, told a magazine that "I do not need to accept anyone who lives on handouts from a state that it rejects, is not adequately concerned about the education of their children and constantly produces new, little headscarf-clad girls."
He later apologized for those remarks.
However, Sarrazin, 65, would know full well that his country has had little tolerance for anti-Semitic remarks since the Holocaust, and that many of Germany's immigrants have complained about racist remarks and xenophobic behavior.
Several German lawmakers have demand that Sarrazin step down from his post as board member at the Bundesbank and resign his party membership of the left-leaning Social Democrats - demands that Sarrazin rejected.
A service of YellowBrix, Inc.

Discrimination always raises it's ugly head during tough times.
and in germany...

Divisive German banker launches immigration book
8/30/2010 6:24:00 AM

Associated Press/AP Online

BERLIN - A leading German banker whose remarks stereotyping Muslims and Jews have sparked outrage launched his new book on immigration issues Monday amid calls for his removal from the central bank's board. Chancellor Angela Merkel says the Bundesbank should dismiss board member Thilo Sarrazin after he said that "all Jews share the same gene" and that Muslim immigrants in Europe are unwilling or incapable of integrating into western societies.
In the book, Sarrazin maintains that immigrants have taken from Germany's welfare system without contributing enough to the country.
The Jewish and Muslim communities have also condemned his remarks, which came ahead of the launch of his book, "Deutschland Schafft Sich Ab," or "Germany Abolishes Itself."
Merkel's spokesman, Steffen Seibert, renewed the chancellor's call for the Bundesbank to consider Sarrazin's future.
"These are comments that only damage and don't help integration in this country, which is a national duty," Seibert said at a government news conference.
Last year, Sarrazin, who previously served as regional finance minister for Berlin, told a magazine that "I do not need to accept anyone who lives on handouts from a state that it rejects, is not adequately concerned about the education of their children and constantly produces new, little headscarf-clad girls."
He later apologized for those remarks.
However, Sarrazin, 65, would know full well that his country has had little tolerance for anti-Semitic remarks since the Holocaust, and that many of Germany's immigrants have complained about racist remarks and xenophobic behavior.
Several German lawmakers have demand that Sarrazin step down from his post as board member at the Bundesbank and resign his party membership of the left-leaning Social Democrats - demands that Sarrazin rejected.
A service of YellowBrix, Inc.

He's right.

We should all reject the pseudo-justice of reverse-colonialism.
and in germany...

Divisive German banker launches immigration book
8/30/2010 6:24:00 AM

Associated Press/AP Online

BERLIN - A leading German banker whose remarks stereotyping Muslims and Jews have sparked outrage launched his new book on immigration issues Monday amid calls for his removal from the central bank's board. Chancellor Angela Merkel says the Bundesbank should dismiss board member Thilo Sarrazin after he said that "all Jews share the same gene" and that Muslim immigrants in Europe are unwilling or incapable of integrating into western societies.
In the book, Sarrazin maintains that immigrants have taken from Germany's welfare system without contributing enough to the country.
The Jewish and Muslim communities have also condemned his remarks, which came ahead of the launch of his book, "Deutschland Schafft Sich Ab," or "Germany Abolishes Itself."
Merkel's spokesman, Steffen Seibert, renewed the chancellor's call for the Bundesbank to consider Sarrazin's future.
"These are comments that only damage and don't help integration in this country, which is a national duty," Seibert said at a government news conference.
Last year, Sarrazin, who previously served as regional finance minister for Berlin, told a magazine that "I do not need to accept anyone who lives on handouts from a state that it rejects, is not adequately concerned about the education of their children and constantly produces new, little headscarf-clad girls."
He later apologized for those remarks.
However, Sarrazin, 65, would know full well that his country has had little tolerance for anti-Semitic remarks since the Holocaust, and that many of Germany's immigrants have complained about racist remarks and xenophobic behavior.
Several German lawmakers have demand that Sarrazin step down from his post as board member at the Bundesbank and resign his party membership of the left-leaning Social Democrats - demands that Sarrazin rejected.
A service of YellowBrix, Inc.
He sounds like one of the farmers in the area where I grew up.
i hate to break it to you guys...but discrimination is never far away or raises its head during good times as well

while it is true that discrimination is with us always, it gets closer to the surface during bad times and spills out more frequently

besides, there is a war on, but is not there always a war...
Several German lawmakers have demand that Sarrazin step down from his post as board member at the Bundesbank and resign his party membership of the left-leaning Social Democrats ...
Looks like they have the same problem in Germany that we have here.
discrimination is never far away during bad times

You know what's never far away Don? Some race-baiting liberal opportunist, trying to make something out of nothing, to keep us divided and fighting each other because of skin color. I hope that wasn't what your intentions were with this.
You know what's never far away Don? Some race-baiting liberal opportunist, trying to make something out of nothing, to keep us divided and fighting each other because of skin color. I hope that wasn't what your intentions were with this.

neither Islam nor Judaism are races, they are religions so i doubt that race baiting is involved in this matter
neither Islam nor Judaism are races, they are religions so i doubt that race baiting is involved in this matter

Judaism is a race. Muslims are not willing to integrate into western societies.

he's right on both counts. Sorry don quixote, noahide brainwash victim, but you're wrong again.
Judaism is a race. Muslims are not willing to integrate into western societies.

he's right on both counts. Sorry don quixote, noahide brainwash victim, but you're wrong again.

if judaism is a race, then why does my jewish granddaughter have blond hair and blue eyes

not all muslims object to living in western societies

ps what is noahide?
if judaism is a race, then why does my jewish granddaughter have blond hair and blue eyes

not all muslims object to living in western societies

ps what is noahide?
Noah, those who remained after the flood, because, really we are more descendants of Noah, even though Noah was a descendant of Adam, Noah was supposedly the new beginning of the human race, the seeds of Adam and Eve were evil and had to be wiped out for their sins and Noah was the second beginning of the human race. Noahides are basically Jews who follow these laws and these covenants, God made a covenant with Noah, the rainbow symbol and there were seven laws according to the Talmud...the noahides follow the laws of Noah and that covenant!
Noah, those who remained after the flood, because, really we are more descendants of Noah, even though Noah was a descendant of Adam, Noah was supposedly the new beginning of the human race, the seeds of Adam and Eve were evil and had to be wiped out for their sins and Noah was the second beginning of the human race. Noahides are basically Jews who follow these laws and these covenants, God made a covenant with Noah, the rainbow symbol and there were seven laws according to the Talmud...the noahides follow the laws of Noah and that covenant!

interesting that ahz would call me that as he knows my real name is rev rich

my children are jewish by jewish law because my ex-wife is jewish
Noah, those who remained after the flood, because, really we are more descendants of Noah, even though Noah was a descendant of Adam, Noah was supposedly the new beginning of the human race, the seeds of Adam and Eve were evil and had to be wiped out for their sins and Noah was the second beginning of the human race. Noahides are basically Jews who follow these laws and these covenants, God made a covenant with Noah, the rainbow symbol and there were seven laws according to the Talmud...the noahides follow the laws of Noah and that covenant!

Noahides are explicitly non-jews, according to the talmud. And strangely enough, jews have laws for them. The noahide laws.

You're misinformed, rana.
if judaism is a race, then why does my jewish granddaughter have blond hair and blue eyes

not all muslims object to living in western societies

ps what is noahide?

Racial mongrelization, and inbreeding with the infectious goyim, i guess.

The talmud asserts that all men are bound to god through the covenant of noah, and that the jews have a different covenant through moses.

WIth this spurious information they further assert that noahides must follow laws jews have laid our for them.

It's basically a second class identity for non-jews, and a pretext jews use to justify global theocracy.
Racial mongrelization, and inbreeding with the infectious goyim, i guess.

The talmud asserts that all men are bound to god through the covenant of noah, and that the jews have a different covenant through moses.

WIth this spurious information they further assert that noahides must follow laws jews have laid our for them.

It's basically a second class identity for non-jews, and a pretext jews use to justify global theocracy.

You've always provided this type of info in such a grammatically-correct, knowledgeable way that it took awhile for me to realize you're barking mad.