Discuss and recommend books

Issac Asimov's Foundation series.

Read straight through in the summer between 7th and 8th grade. I had the chicken pox, so was stuck at home with a fan and that nasty pink stuff.

But every time I finished a book, I rode my awesome BMX to the used book store and traded in the prior book and bought the next one.
Pillars of the earth. There are two books after that in the series, but I literally read that behometh in two days before I went to the south pacific.

TV series is.... Meh
'Political Tribes' by Amy Chua.
Her main point wasn't about America, but that is what it made me think about. Our rising division. Each group demonizing the others. Talking past one another. Totally devoted to the 'Tribe' rather than the Nation.
Joe Biden talked about dividing Iraq up into three ethnic regions rather than forcing them all to live together as Iraqis. I see the Scots and English want to separate. Catalonia in Spain. Maybe America ends up going that route? I know ... it sounds absurd.
'Rise and Kill First, The secret history of Israel's Targeted Assassinations'.

I just bought it, haven't read it but sounds interesting. I'm guessing it's a 'survival guide'. You know, cut the head off the snake before it becomes a snake.
'Political Tribes' by Amy Chua.
Her main point wasn't about America, but that is what it made me think about. Our rising division. Each group demonizing the others. Talking past one another. Totally devoted to the 'Tribe' rather than the Nation.
Joe Biden talked about dividing Iraq up into three ethnic regions rather than forcing them all to live together as Iraqis. I see the Scots and English want to separate. Catalonia in Spain. Maybe America ends up going that route? I know ... it sounds absurd.

I've been to Catalonia and it is a strange place.