Ditzy Chicks!


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The one in the middle is that bloke who keeps going on about birth certificates.

No idea about the one on the left though.
Anytime Kenneth types he fucks up and makes a complete fool, of himself so he's too frightened to do that anymore.
Bachman, Some nut job who said she found Obama's Kenyan Birth certificate, Palin.

They are Cheneys Angels.

They spread lies and look good (to some anyway).

They keep the right circleing the toilet bowl of American politics.
you can call Bachman and Palin any name you want or post any ditzy picture you want of them..

But one day soon you could be calling either one of them, Madam President..

Meme you are psychotic if you think either one of those women can ever be elected president of the US
no, you all are psychotic to think neither one of them can not be elected President..but that's ok, you all just keep hanging onto that..:cof1:
Who in this country is going to elect people who cant get the facts straight?

There are only so many of you types meme that like their politicians to be stupid.
Palin was a mayor, then a Governor..so she will have more experience than your savior, Hugo
and I personally don't see the Hugo Obama to be all that intelligent, even with all that Ivy League schoolen

you all will be stupid to count her out, but as we see from the attacks on her, you haven't counted her out at all, now have ya..
Palin could not answer the most basic questions asked her.

She is very likely of average intelligence but is not interested in learning the things she would have to know to make it through a real campaign.

The fact that you actually think she has a chance to get anywhere near the presidency is a real hoot.

Hell you are always wrong so whats the surprize
Palin could not answer the most basic questions asked her.

She is very likely of average intelligence but is not interested in learning the things she would have to know to make it through a real campaign.

The fact that you actually think she has a chance to get anywhere near the presidency is a real hoot.

Hell you are always wrong so whats the surprize

ummm sure..:pke:
Palin could not answer the most basic questions asked her.

She is very likely of average intelligence but is not interested in learning the things she would have to know to make it through a real campaign.

The fact that you actually think she has a chance to get anywhere near the presidency is a real hoot.

Hell you are always wrong so whats the surprize

You can't answer the most basic question asked you. You should run.
I know I would not be a good choice for the job.

Palin should too but she was too into the celebrity idea that she took it anyway.

That is why she quit her job as governor.

She will not run again she will get herself a TV or radio show and be the female Rush.
I know I would not be a good choice for the job.

Palin should too but she was too into the celebrity idea that she took it anyway.

That is why she quit her job as governor.

She will not run again she will get herself a TV or radio show and be the female Rush.

I thought Olbermannn was the female Rush?
Olbermann would be more like a wart on Rush's ass and Rush sits on him everyday..

Olbermann is a joke that about 50 people watch and listen to..