Divided Military at our next coup?


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Generals Warn Of Divided Military And Possible Civil War In Next U.S. Coup Attempt https://www.huffpost.com/entry/2024-election-coup-military-participants_n_61bd52f2e4b0bcd2193f3d72
This is what happens America when you look the other way when the criminal's skin is white. When you fry a few of those insurrectionists and put their ass in prison, then the cowards in both our military and in our civilian population will think twice about trying to overtake the gov. We got a wimpy-ass attorney general, a sorry-ass president, a week senate and house, so what do you expect to happen??? Every time this nation gives redneck trash passes, it comes back to bite you in the ass....The democrats gave wall street a pass after the financial meltdown....they're at the same ol inflated housing market shit again....news flash....white ppl are innately greedy and evil America!! and I don't need a CRT course to know that!!