Divisions In The Nest


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Former Senator John Kerry will do anything to save his Iran Nuclear Deal, including advising an enemy government to attack unmanned drones:

Kerry is up to his old tricks in Iran:


Happily, President Trump split the nest of traitors:

June 21 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump approved military strikes on Friday against Iran in retaliation for the downing of an unmanned $130-million surveillance drone, but pulled back from launching the attacks, the New York Times said.

Trump had initially approved strikes on a handful of targets such as radar and missile batteries, the paper cited senior administration officials involved in, or briefed on, the deliberations, as saying.

The strikes were set to take place just before dawn on Friday to minimize risk to the Iranian military or to civilians, it added.

Planes were in the air and ships were in position, but no missiles fired, when the order to stand down came, it cited one senior administration official as saying.

The abrupt reversal put a halt to what would have been Trump's third military action against targets in the Middle East, the paper added, saying Trump had struck twice at targets in Syria, in 2017 and 2018.

However, it is not clear whether attacks on Iran might still go forward, the paper said, adding that it was not known if the cancellation of strikes had resulted from Trump changing his mind or administration concerns regarding logistics or strategy.

Trump reportedly approved, then called off Iran strikes
Thomson Reuters
Jun 21st 2019 2:07AM


Senator Vomit is Israel’s senator:

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said that the Democratic members urged the president not to make any decisions without congressional approval.

"Now I told the president that these conflicts have a way of escalating. The president may not intend to go to war here but we're worried that he and the administration may bumble into a war. We told the room that the Democratic position is that congressional approval must be required before funding any conflict with Iran," Schumer said.

Trump says he believes strike by Iran was not intentional
By Grace Segers
Updated on: June 20, 2019 / 5:19 PM / CBS News


Senator Vomit went to Senator Graham to beat the drums of war without making it look like the U.S. military is going to war for Israel:



Senators Schumer and Graham are going to run into a lot trouble fighting for Israel. Most Democrats are in Iran’s corner. Most Democrats are always in an enemy’s corner. Not enough Republicans are convinced a war over shipping lanes is enough to vote for congressional approval (the commander in chief does not need it anyway).



NOTE: Carlson is wrong about Vietnam. The Vietnam and Korean Wars were the right wars for the right reason at the the right time.


A good case can be made for a war against Iran, but Israel should fight it as a matter of self-preservation.
Bottom line: The U.S. military must defend its allies when negotiations fail. That is true of Israel —— with one precondition. President Trump should give Israel all the weapons and technical support it needs to defeat Iran. Committing the U.S. military to fight alongside Israel must be the last recourse activated only if and when Iran starts winning. Iran’s ayatollahs knowing the U.S. marines are coming might be enough to convince Iran’s military people not to fight a war they cannot win.
Senator Vomit went to Senator Graham to beat the drums of war without making it look like the U.S. military is going to war for Israel:

I am pretty sure Thump’s “WE” means the U.S. and Israel:

“We’re not going to have Iran have a nuclear weapon,” Trump told reporters outside the White House.

“When they agree to that, they’re going to have a wealthy country. They’re going to be so happy, and I’m going to be their best friend. I hope that happens.”

US to Hit Iran with ‘Major’ New Sanctions Monday: Trump
22 Jun 2019


Netanyahu makes no mistake about Israel going it alone to stop Iran from getting nuclear bombs:

JERUSALEM, June 10 (Xinhua) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Monday that his country will not allow Iran to have nuclear weapons.

Netanyahu issued the warning after a remark by the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency Yukiya Amano on Iran's increased uranium enrichment.

"Israel will not allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons," he said in a video statement, adding such weapons threaten Israel's "existence and endanger the entire world."

Netanyahu says Israel not to allow Iran to have nuke weapons
Source: Xinhua
2019-06-12 02:28:23


Bottom line: The U.S. military must defend its allies when negotiations fail. That is true of Israel —— with one precondition. President Trump should give Israel all the weapons and technical support it needs to defeat Iran.

Let me remind everyone that the war in Afghanistan is a United Nations war. It appears that after 18 years of war training Afghans to defend themselves is the exit strategy much like Brexit —— leaving is not cheap.

On the fiscal side Israel already has a well-trained first world military —— along with the determination to survive.

Committing the U.S. military to fight alongside Israel must be the last recourse activated only if and when Iran starts winning.

In short: The U.S. military is primed and ready to defend Afghans and Israelis if necessary.
Iran’s ayatollahs knowing the U.S. marines are coming might be enough to convince Iran’s military people not to fight a war they cannot win.

Netanyahu makes no mistake about Israel going it alone to stop Iran from getting nuclear bombs:

Maybe a few pinpricks will be enough for the Mad Mullahs to see the light:

15 said killed, 9 of them foreigners, as Israel strikes Iranian sites in Syria
By Judah Ari Gross
Today, 10:56 am
