Dixie and this thanksgiving

just wondering if your volunteering at that soup kitchen again this year... you remember the one you worked at last year where you and the father single handedly cooked up a thanksgiving feast for the homeless?

A turkey serving turkey now that would be interesting....
After the elections Dixie should be serving humble pie with that turkey ;)
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Well I'm glad that he is helping. I'm sure the homeless guy with the full stomache and good meal means more than your negative comments.
I agree...

Well I'm glad that he is helping. I'm sure the homeless guy with the full stomache and good meal means more than your negative comments.

Gotta love the lib mentality...bash a guy who is helping the poor...I'm wondering what these guys do to help...never mind their contribution is bashing GW et al...have a nice holiday season ya ba hum bug dudes...geez!
If he is really helping the poor. That is the question if....

The dig on dix was just too good ot pass up. I was waiting for the lib stuff to show up.

If he is really helping the poor. That is the question if....

The dig on dix was just too good ot pass up. I was waiting for the lib stuff to show up.

But I have no reason to doubt him...not unreasonable to assume what he said was true...I donate a couple of Turkeys every year to our local charities...What do you do?
If he is really helping the poor. That is the question if....

The dig on dix was just too good ot pass up. I was waiting for the lib stuff to show up.

If he is really helping the poor. That is the question if....

Dix sure leads an exciting and interesting life. Why, it feels like just yesterday when he was regaling us with stories of infiltrating ant-war protests to disrupt them disguised as Osama Bin Ladin, and dodging roadside bombs outside the Green Zone in Baghdad during his stint working for the Pentagon in Iraq.
Since I left the my position as Chairman of the trustees at church recently, probably will only give to the local food bank this year. And clean my plate up so those starving children in china will be quiet ;)
Gotta love the lib mentality...bash a guy who is helping the poor...I'm wondering what these guys do to help...never mind their contribution is bashing GW et al...have a nice holiday season ya ba hum bug dudes...geez!

I don't know about other liberals, but I'm part of a Hussein fan club and we like to go down to the local orphanage and tease children with pictures of our parents. :readit:

Then me and my fem-nazi group like stand outside middle schools carolling pro-abortion songs to the young girls as they go by. My favorite is "Manger No Way"
Jimmie Hale Mission ...The link to their website, if any of you bleeding hearts who claim to care so much about the poor, feel compelled to make a donation.

I do plan to help, although I won't be there on Thanksgiving Day as usual, I have family obligations, and can't be there, but it's covered.
my mom always told me the starving children were in Armenia!

You know I never could figure out how my not cleaning up my plate would hurt those starving children in China.....
I got smacked once with a wooden spoon for suggesting we could mail them what was left on the plate ??? go figure :)
I am particularly fond of carroling to the tune of "Walkin round in wimmins underwear". Then the Proper carollers get it stuck in their head and mess up on Winter Wonderland"
They got sort of pissed last year, well the con carollers did, the libs started singing the other version....
Stuffy people....

I don't know about other liberals, but I'm part of a Hussein fan club and we like to go down to the local orphanage and tease children with pictures of our parents. :readit:

Then me and my fem-nazi group like stand outside middle schools carolling pro-abortion songs to the young girls as they go by. My favorite is "Manger No Way"

Lady T...like Mother Teresa...your a Nun! I picked up on the read it smilie...ya work in a orphanage...good for you!
You're bad at jokes. This could have been a funny thread, but then you went and ruined it with your implications of promescuity in a running joke that clearly tied in my "inherent evilness" (in your view) I embody because I'm a liberal.

We give that post a 2.

But feel free to try again.
ahhhh...so very sorry...

You're bad at jokes. This could have been a funny thread, but then you went and ruined it with your implications of promescuity in a running joke that clearly tied in my "inherent evilness" (in your view) I embody because I'm a liberal.

We give that post a 2.

But feel free to try again.

did not mean to hurt your 'feeeelings' now go sing Kumbia for cypress et al!
did not mean to hurt your 'feeeelings' now go sing Kumbia for cypress et al!

see what I mean. You're just not good it, but we can work with you.

Try using something applicable to the previous post. You see, that's not funny because I never implied that my feelings were hurt. At least this time around you didn't "LOL" at your own corny joke. You get a quarter of a point for that.