Dixie is either Delusional or a Liar..I report..You decide


Senior Member
I am claiming in this thread that Dixie is either delusional or a compulsive liar. I report…you decide…

This is Dixie’s post #97 on page 7 of the thread Iraq in a Civil War? Yes or no?. As you can see he has in fact capitalized a statement that Immanual made in post #93 on page 7 of this thread. Yet Dixie inexplicably claimed that nothing in this original post which I quoted was "capitalized." Delusional or lying??? I report…you decide…

Even if they feel that Bush screwed up royally and have a decent idea on how to prosecute the war on terrorism, a vote against Bush's War will be politically spun to be an Anti-American/Anti-Troop vote and at the very least will lead to a tough battle in the next re-election campaign for any who "oppose" Bush's War.

You Pinheads keep claiming that a vast majority of America disagrees with Bush on Iraq, doesn't like his handling of it, wants a new direction, blah blah blah... So, why would opposing Bush on this, lead to anything but improved poll numbers for those on the side of the American people? I don't get it! Either you are lying out your ass about what the American people think, or you believe Congress is purposely and intentionally going against the will of the people out of fear that doing what the people want, will be negatively spun against them, even though it was what they wanted. Which one is it?

Dixie is delusional. In my post on the thread Iraq in a Civil War? Yes or no? numbered 102 on page 8, I quoted this exact post. Yet Dixie claimed that nothing in this post I quoted, the original of which you can find at number 97 on page 7 was "capitalized", he says this in post number 108 on page 8 where he made this list of claims:

"1. Nothing in the quote you posted was capitalized.
2. Nothing in your response, relates to the question I asked.
3. Nothing in your response is worthy of discussion.
4. Nothing I've seen you post to date, has been anything more than a flame.
5. Nothing you've presented, refutes a damn thing I have said.
6. Nothing is all you have to offer in the way of ideas.
7. Nothing is what you are worth in the arena of debate."

This proves that Dixie is either delusion or an unrepentent and compulsive liar. As such there is no reason whatsoever to take anything he says seriously. If he will lie about something like this as blatantly as he has here there is no reason to believe a word he says. Isn't Manichean logic fun...

Oh, and I don't like resorting to name-calling which this is, but in this case after being called numerous names by Dixie the most recent in post #90 in the last post on page 6 of this same thread I feel I have no choice but to point out a delusional or liar for what he is...
WMD or not Bushies dont care.... As long as they can follow bush down the road to ruin!
This is your rant Prak, You made this post. Like most libs you don't argue the facts. You get off on silly little matters that mean nothing at all.
As you can see he has in fact capitalized a statement that Immanual made in post #93 on page 7 of this thread.

Excuse me, but I haven't capitalized anything you've posted. Do you understand what "capitalization" is? Are you confusing "bold type" with "capitalization"?
As you can see he has in fact capitalized a statement that Immanual made in post #93 on page 7 of this thread.

Excuse me, but I haven't capitalized anything you've posted. Do you understand what "capitalization" is? Are you confusing "bold type" with "capitalization"?

Thanks for the clarification, my mistake...
Fucking Idiot!

Not so fast, there namecaller, as a matter of fact my claim stands, you say plainly in post #108 "Nothing in the quote you posted was capitalized." when in fact many words were indeed capitalized including the words "Even, Bush, Bush’s, War, Anti-American/Anti-Troop, Pinheads (one of your favorites), Iraq, America, Either and Congress. So I'm not so sure even though I may have been mistaken in one particular that my claim is in fact any less accurate for all of that. And in my own haphazard and inimitable way my mistake may have pointed out how erroneous and confused your all or nothing manichean arguments actually are in practice.

So I wouldn't get too puffed up there because mistaken or not my point still stands. You said nothing is capitalized and many words are in fact capitalized...most all or nothing statements are in fact wrong...and you made seven of them in this one post...

"1. Nothing in the quote you posted was capitalized.
2. Nothing in your response, relates to the question I asked.
3. Nothing in your response is worthy of discussion.
4. Nothing I've seen you post to date, has been anything more than a flame.
5. Nothing you've presented, refutes a damn thing I have said.
6. Nothing is all you have to offer in the way of ideas.
7. Nothing is what you are worth in the arena of debate."

Look Away!!!!!

Or perhaps you really meant something like "all words capitalized" or "all words beginning with capital letters" or some such...perhaps you are wrong here too no? I wonder will you admit your mistake as readily as I admitted mine...
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I'm sorry you are so profoundly retarded you didn't understand the difference between capitalization and bold type. I regret that you have so little to contribute in the way of intellect, as to make this the issue, rather than engage in debate over the substance of what I posted. But I really do think it is sad and pathetic, that when you are shown your mistakes, rather than graciously admit them and apologize, you would attempt to score technical points on something so lame. You should go crawl back in your hole now, and be a little more careful from now on, before you spend all afternoon pointing something irrelevant out, that you were wrong on.
One can argue simply by being contradictory... It makes for a rather childish argument, but it would still be an argument..

"Did too!"

"Did not!"
it really is pretty absurd to be arguing about whether someone capitalized or bolded words in previous posts.....

it would seem like that would be the ultimate degradation of an argument from substance all the way down to form.... not even an argument about words, but the formatting of words.

Why isn't Dixie being called to task for this assinine war? Why isn't he being called to task for all the rosy predictions of final throes and only 500 more casualties and the insurgency ready to collapse... and flourishing democracy and all the other RNC/Limbaugh talking points that he has spouted over the years? Why in the world are we avoiding the big issues about which he clearly has earned denigration only to attack him on the typeface he uses?
I am claiming in this thread that Dixie is either delusional or a compulsive liar. I report…you decide…

i chose another option, he is both :)