Dixie: Our troops are uneducated Idiots.


Well-known member
Dixie's words not Senator Kerry's....

Kerry never mentioned our troops... that was Bush who brought them into it!
Jarod, unless Kerry believes that he himself is uneducated there is no way he was speaking of Bush. This is silly transparent spin.
Jarod, unless Kerry believes that he himself is uneducated there is no way he was speaking of Bush. This is silly transparent spin.

Why do you say that... do you not realize you can get a degree and still be uneducated? Where you go to school, even if you went to school does not necessarly affect how educated you are!
It is pretty humerous to pick one bit of political spin out and declare it to be spin while ignoring the whirlwind of spin all around.
Jarod, unless Kerry believes that he himself is uneducated there is no way he was speaking of Bush. This is silly transparent spin.

I think it is pretty clear that he was playing on the common conception that Bush is, although technically "educated", really quite dull, vapid, incurious and generally stupid. I know that I hold that opinion of Bush and, for those of us who do, the meaning of Kerry's comments was quite clear and unambiguous. Now, for those koolaid drinkers who still idolize Bush and still think he looks hot in blue jeans and that he is Everyman personified and exalted, that meaning may not have been quite so clear... but perhaps you could speak to that perception first hand, damo.....
Why do you say that... do you not realize you can get a degree and still be uneducated? Where you go to school, even if you went to school does not necessarly affect how educated you are!
Not with the statement he made. If you work hard at school, blah, blah...

Bush outperformed him. Then went on to an even higher education. One can be well-educated and unintelligent but it is an extreme stretch to say that Bush is uneducated based on his statement. Kerry underperformed the guy he is saying is "uneducated" what does that make Kerry?
I think it is pretty clear that he was playing on the common conception that Bush is, although technically "educated", really quite dull, vapid, incurious and generally stupid. I know that I hold that opinion of Bush and, for those of us who do, the meaning of Kerry's comments was quite clear and unambiguous. Now, for those koolaid drinkers who still idolize Bush and still think he looks hot in blue jeans and that he is Everyman personified and exalted, that meaning may not have been quite so clear... but perhaps you could speak to that perception first hand, damo.....
Then he shouldn't use the "education" example when it is so easily shown to be incorrect. Bush outperformed Kerry at the very same school. Kerry by default is not following his own advice, I guess he'd get us "even more stuck".
LOL. Nah, they don't let you in unless you already have one of those.

Umm not entirely correct. The below from GoArmy.com

Success in Army depends on a good education, and a high school diploma is most desirable. Individuals who currently do not possess the proper education requirements and wish to enlist may receive assistance in acquiring a GED. The Army may cover fees for class attendance, books, and the GED test. To be eligible for Army enlistment you must:

* Have been withdrawn from high school for at least 6 months prior to application for enlistment
* Must meet the state minimum age requirement for GED testing
* Achieve a qualifying score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT)
Umm not entirely correct. The below from GoArmy.com

Success in Army depends on a good education, and a high school diploma is most desirable. Individuals who currently do not possess the proper education requirements and wish to enlist may receive assistance in acquiring a GED. The Army may cover fees for class attendance, books, and the GED test. To be eligible for Army enlistment you must:

* Have been withdrawn from high school for at least 6 months prior to application for enlistment
* Must meet the state minimum age requirement for GED testing
* Achieve a qualifying score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT)
Notice, they'll help you get the GED before they'll let you join. They do not let you in without it.
Umm not entirely correct. The below from GoArmy.com

Success in Army depends on a good education, and a high school diploma is most desirable. Individuals who currently do not possess the proper education requirements and wish to enlist may receive assistance in acquiring a GED. The Army may cover fees for class attendance, books, and the GED test. To be eligible for Army enlistment you must:

* Have been withdrawn from high school for at least 6 months prior to application for enlistment
* Must meet the state minimum age requirement for GED testing
* Achieve a qualifying score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT)

not exactly what I would say is descriptive of "college material".

not exactly what I would say is descriptive of "college material".

Also not what I would call descriptive of the vast majority that are in the military. Once again, they'll help you get it to allow you to join. If you fail at it they won't let you in.
To be eligible for Army enlistment you must:

* Have been withdrawn from high school for at least 6 months prior to application for enlistment
* Must meet the state minimum age requirement for GED testing
* Achieve a qualifying score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT)

Re-read Damo.
To be eligible for enlistment......
To be eligible for Army enlistment you must:

* Have been withdrawn from high school for at least 6 months prior to application for enlistment
* Must meet the state minimum age requirement for GED testing
* Achieve a qualifying score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT)

Re-read Damo.
To be eligible for enlistment......
No, that is for the GED program. I am telling you, call the recruiter. If you do not get your GED while in DEP they will not let you go to boot camp. I'm not kidding. I do know what I am talking about.

Read the whole of it yourself. They will help you get your GED so you can enlist... In order to be eligible to get in that program that is their list. However, if you fail at your GED they won't let you in.
So once you enlist you can still do what you want and resfuse to do what the army tells you to do ? If not you are in the Army if not technically a soldier.