Dixie's Fantasy Political Board Football!

In light of our recently established rivalry with Full Politics.com, and for your profound entertainment pleasure, I proudly present a product of my most proficient creative pondering....

Fantasy Political Board Football!

I thought of "Pinhead Pigskin Challenge" but decided to leave it generic. Here's how it will work...

1. On "Game Day", I will note the number of visible members logged in to each web site.
2. The "score" will be the number of posters for each, and there will be four checkpoints in a day, to represent the quarters.
3.The winner of the game will be determined after the final checkpoint.
4. The specific times for the checkpoints will remain anonymous, but I will attempt to distribute them evenly through the day and evening.
5. The games will also be anonymous and not announced, to prevent cheating by hoards of FP Pinheads who will want to throw the games when we're beating them. :D

Note: Once the game is underway, you are free to orchestrate whatever "strategy" you wish, in order to achieve victory. Log in your trolls, log out of one site or the other, anything goes, after the game has begun. I will honestly post the results, and my decisions are final, since I am the gamemaster.

The Full Politics Sirs vs. The Just Plain Grinds

For the FPBF Championship of the World!
Game Time is Soon!!!​
The first game has begun! This will be considered an "exhibition game" and will not count in the seasonal standings.

At the end of the first quarter, the score:

Full Politics.............. 1
Just Plain Politics...... 3
I see this went over well. LOL

I surmise that you have abandoned this sophomoric idea much like you abandoned your prediction that we wouldn't lose 500 more soldiers?
I am not talking about this site...I am talking about this silly self aggrandizing "game" developed by Dixie as a way of showing how many people are here versus there.....

he is such a douchebag.