do away w/ rainy day funds

do away w/ Rainy Day funds

this is a stupid concept.... people pay taxes, whatever is over budget should be refunded to the taxpayers... I never understood the point of rainy day funds... maybe keep a million or something for unallocated expenses or budget shortfalls, but there's no reason for a state to hold onto hundreds of millions of dollars...

refunds should be given to the taxpayers...

Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced that the state Office of Policy and Management (OPM) has produced an updated and final budget surplus estimate for the recently completed 2005 fiscal year of $303.4 million. The estimate will bring the state Rainy Day Fund’s balance to an all-time high of $605.6 million.

the point of paying taxes is to have government function... there is no need for government to be profiting off of the money paid by taxpayers... nor should they be holding this much of their money.