Do Conservatives support Government 'meddling' in the Economy?


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"What Role Does the Government Play in Capitalism?"

"The proper role of government in a capitalist economic system has been hotly debated for centuries. Unlike socialism, communism, or fascism, capitalism does not assume a role for a coercive, centralized public authority. While nearly all economic thinkers and policymakers argue in favor of some level of government influence in the economy, those interventions take place outside of the strictly defined confines of capitalism."

The 'Travel Industry', the 'Food & Drink Industry', the 'Hotel Industry', the 'Entertainment Industry' are going to be hard hit with this approaching Epidemic.
So ...
Should Government stay out of the way and let the chips fall as they may?
Or, should Government 'intervene' ?

This is directed at the Conservatives that claim Government should stay out of 'Private Enterprise'.