APP - Do lefties fear Russia is going to attack Europe?



They seem to be coming unhinged over Trumps plan to make Europe pay its "fair share". I don't understand what is wrong with that. I always thought a tenant of liberals is "making the rich pay their fair share". Why should the United States foot the bill so that Europe gets to fund their welfare state? Is that fair?

Lastly, is Russia going to attack Europe? I distinctly remember when during the 2012 debates Romney said Russia is the greatest strategic threat and he was roundly mocked by the liberal media, Obama and the lefties on this board.

“Gov. Romney, I’m glad that you recognize that al Qaeda is a threat,” Obama said, “because a few months ago when you were asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia.”

“The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years,” Obama said.

Now all of as sudden Vladimir Putin is the biggest threat to Europe and we can't abandon our allies in NATO. I would love to hear anyone on the left explain the dichotomy.
The globalists want American tax payers to keep pumping money into Europe and the EU .. and make no mistake about it, a lot of that tax money ends up with the EU regardless if whether or not the Euro nation is a member.

The economies of European nations have long ago recovered from world war two. The Soviet Union imploded decades ago.

Let them pay up or pull out. We owe Europe nothing. They all been getting a free ride on our dollar. Boogie man Putin isn't going to invade them if we do pull out. He wants NATO out of Russia's face.