do not discuss religion in with a middle eastern looking cabbie.


Villified User
Muslim Driver Who Allegedly Ran Over Men After Religious Argument Due in Court Thursday

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ibrahim Ahmed

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The Muslim cabbie charged with assault and attempted homicide after allegedly trying to run down two fares after an argument over religion will be in court Thursday.

Ibrahim Sheikhamed is due in Nashville and Davidson County criminal court at 9 a.m. ET. His case is supposed to be reviewed by a judge, but the district attorney's office told FOX News the hearing likely will be continued to another date.

Sheikhamed is also being charged with theft, since the license plate on his cab was listed as stolen.

Sheikhamed, a 37-year-old Sunni Muslim from Somalia, tried to run over two men near Vanderbilt University early Sunday morning after getting into an argument over religion, police said. One of the fares was Protestant, while the other was Catholic.

Ahmed picked up the two fares — two men visiting Nashville from Ohio — near the Vanderbilt campus, according to the incident report. After the argument, Ahmed allegedly tried to run his cab over the two men; he struck one of them, according to the incident report.,2933,253558,00.html