Do unnatural rights exist?


Villified User
Such as those protecting corportations from liability from their actions?

Corporations having the individual rights but little consequence for their actions.
How many corporations have you ever seen incarcerated or really shut down for illegal actions?
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Such as those protecting corportations from liability from their actions?

Corporations having the individual rights but little consequence for their actions.
How many corporations have you ever seen incarcerated or really shut down for illegal actions?

individuals run corporations and those individuals are incarcerated. corporations can be served as a person and are treated as a person in some instances, but in terms of criminal action, how are you going to arrest a piece of paper?
individuals run corporations and those individuals are incarcerated. corporations can be served as a person and are treated as a person in some instances, but in terms of criminal action, how are you going to arrest a piece of paper?

My point exactly, hence unnatural rights.
again, how are you going to arrest a piece of paper? if you can't, why bother with unnatural rights?

But they have individual rights, just not the responsibilities.

Instead of prison just shut them down for X number of years.
Revoke all their liscences. Do away with the corporate walls that corruption hides behind.
Make the managers and directiors decisions have corresponding consequences.
But they have individual rights, just not the responsibilities.

Instead of prison just shut them down for X number of years.
Revoke all their liscences. Do away with the corporate walls that corruption hides behind.
Make the managers and directiors decisions have corresponding consequences.


Punish the individuals involved, a corporation can't commit a crime.
but the supremes said corps have individual rights.

And I disagree.

But shutting down a corporation for a period of years would be an automatic death penalty. What are you really expecting them to do? To just sit on those assets, absorb the property taxes, and use none of their assets for ten years or so because a single individual in the corporation committed fraud? Or are you proposing automatic liquidation for any corporation that has people that committed fraud anywhere?

This is economic nonsense. It would be collective punishment, which is wrong.