Do we really care about our children ?


Villified User
Government slow to address school bus emissions
POSTED: 9:00 p.m. EDT, May 6, 2007

(AP) -- Day in and day out, children across the U.S. are riding to school on aging buses, breathing what some activists say is a dangerous brew of pollutants up to five times dirtier than the air outside.

It is a situation that Congress and many states have sought to fix in recent years. In fact, in 2005 federal lawmakers passed a measure to replace or retrofit the dirtiest diesel engines across the nation.

But little has been done.

Around the country, state officials are struggling to find the money to carry out clean school bus initiatives. And Congress has yet to deliver on the $1 billion it promised over five years to help states clean up diesel fleets, including school buses.

"I think at one time or another all our kids are going to be on a bus breathing that harmful air, and that should bother everybody," said Karen Slay, a Lubbock, Texas, mother of four boys who have ridden buses. "In the big scheme of things, it doesn't seem to be that expensive, to me, to retrofit these."

Breathing high concentrations of diesel emissions -- known as particulates -- can cause minor ailments such as headaches, wheezing and dizziness. But studies have also found the contaminants can do more serious damage. Recent studies by the Environmental Protection Agency and other groups link the emissions to asthma and lung cancer.

Two types of filters are available to reduce the most dangerous emissions on older buses. Diesel particulate filters -- which are installed in place of mufflers at an estimated cost of $700 each -- can reduce tailpipe emissions by at least 85 percent. Closed crankcase filtration systems, which go under the hood and cost $7,500, can reduce engine soot by about 90 percent. A bus can be fitted with one or both filters.

An estimated 390,000 diesel school buses are on the road in the U.S., according to the EPA. Most newer buses were manufactured to meet stricter emissions guidelines and do not need filters. But about one-third of the nation's diesel school bus fleet, or more than 100,000 buses, were manufactured before 1990 and are big polluters, according to the EPA.

Researchers say older buses also let lots of emissions enter through doors and windows. The longer the ride, the more harmful to children, they say.

"The exhaust that swirls around the bus gets into the bus and can stay elevated throughout the ride," said Betin Santos, an air quality specialist for the group Environmental Defense.

In Texas, lawmakers two years ago created a grant program to help schools pay for the filters. But they never funded the effort. The money was supposed to have come from an emissions reduction fund supported by fees on vehicle sales, registrations and inspections. But lawmakers have diverted much of that revenue to pay for other things.

And no seat belts ....
The answer is simple... no we do not care about the kids. Otherwise we would have eliminated the inept leadership of our public school systems and replaced the unions with competent teachers. Teachers who will challenge the kids rather than teach to the pace of the slowest kids... in order to spare any potential hurt feelings.
The answer is simple... no we do not care about the kids. Otherwise we would have eliminated the inept leadership of our public school systems and replaced the unions with competent teachers. Teachers who will challenge the kids rather than teach to the pace of the slowest kids... in order to spare any potential hurt feelings.
There also is the problem of children who are mainstreamed against their best interests. Those who would be best served by teachers trained to work specifically with those with different needs are consistently "mainstreamed" out of the competition of life.
Teachers hands are tied behind their backs, they can't really discipline the kids if the parents don't support them and kids that have behaviour problems usually have unsupportive parents.

Yesterday I was at Macy's and this kid who was like 2 or 3 y/o was playing by the escalator (putting his hands on the the moving parts). One of the sales associates said something to the boy and the mother (being very polite I must say) and the woman and the girls she was with gave her the evil eye and said something rather rude back to her.

I just watched in amazement. Lets just say it wouldn't have gone down like that if that were my mother.
Personally, I hate getting stuck behind the waddling wildebeasts doing the shopper's shuffle. Just how DO you grow an ass THAT BIG!!??!!
Personally, I hate getting stuck behind the waddling wildebeasts doing the shopper's shuffle. Just how DO you grow an &*$ THAT BIG!!??!!

I don't mind the shopper shuffle so long as you make room for others to get by. The worst is when you have two people in front of of you doing that and there's room for you to get by, but you can't. People at work do that all the time. I don't understand it though, its like, don't you have some place to be or a meeting to attend or something?
Ever heard of the words, "Excuse me!"?

They work well for me when I want to get around the slow-walker.
Or when morbidly obese minorities on welfare hold up the line at the gas station buying every different kind of scratch off lottery ticket while the producers of society are behind her in line trying to get to work.
I don't mind the shopper shuffle so long as you make room for others to get by. The worst is when you have two people in front of of you doing that and there's room for you to get by, but you can't. People at work do that all the time. I don't understand it though, its like, don't you have some place to be or a meeting to attend or something?

The worst is the oldsters in the grocery store around the first of the month 3 of them can foul up the entire store. Cart on one side and standing beside it reading a label on the opposite side ;)
And some of them can't hear "escuse me".
Or when morbidly obese minorities on welfare hold up the line at the gas station buying every different kind of scratch off lottery ticket while the producers of society are behind her in line trying to get to work.

Not all the lottery addicts are obese...But it is a problem.
The worst is the oldsters in the grocery store around the first of the month 3 of them can foul up the entire store. Cart on one side and standing beside it reading a label on the opposite side ;)
And some of them can't hear "escuse me".

Oldsters in the car get to me more.
Yeah, oldsters and their sticking accelerators....
A guy in an SUY just mowed down some school kids last week. but wussy politicos won't touch that subject either.
Ever heard of the words, "Excuse me!"?

They work well for me when I want to get around the slow-walker.

Trying to pass a fatass is a dangerous proposition. Those arms flailing out to the side, roundhousing through the air in a furious rhythym attempting to counterbalance the massive hips, are like whips, I tell ya!

And the bingo wings (arm flaps)? Deadly! Getting hit in the face by one of those would be like getting hit in the kisser with a 5# slab of raw bacon on the end of a rope - you'd wind up with a black eye and grease all over your face.
Trying to pass a fatass is a dangerous proposition. Those arms flailing out to the side, roundhousing through the air in a furious rhythym attempting to counterbalance the massive hips, are like whips, I tell ya!

And the bingo wings (arm flaps)? Deadly! Getting hit in the face by one of those would be like getting hit in the kisser with a 5# slab of raw bacon on the end of a rope - you'd wind up with a black eye and grease all over your face.