Tranquillus in Exile
New member
Yeah, the one that I cite frequently is when he was criticized for his speech at the Boy Scout Jamboree, where he was sort of bizarrely political. And he was asked about this criticism, and he said something like, “No, no, the head of the Boy Scouts called me and told me it was the greatest speech that had ever been given at the Boys Scout Jamboree.” And so I emailed the Boy Scouts, thinking they wouldn’t respond because big entities tend to not want to contradict the president, but they emailed me back and said, “No one ever called and no one ever said that.”
The other one that stands out is an interview he did with The Wall Street Journal. He was boasting about the impact of his tariffs. Then, a bit later in the interview, the Journal asked him about some of the criticism of his tariffs, and he said something like, “No, no, I don’t have any tariffs. What tariffs? I’ve threatened tariffs, but I haven’t imposed any.” And so he just went from literally boasting about this policy to claiming it doesn’t exist.
- Daniel Dale, Washington correspondent of the Toronto Star, interviewed by "Intelligencer"
Which is your favorite pointless lie? Or if you're a Trump fan, which are you proudest of?
The other one that stands out is an interview he did with The Wall Street Journal. He was boasting about the impact of his tariffs. Then, a bit later in the interview, the Journal asked him about some of the criticism of his tariffs, and he said something like, “No, no, I don’t have any tariffs. What tariffs? I’ve threatened tariffs, but I haven’t imposed any.” And so he just went from literally boasting about this policy to claiming it doesn’t exist.
- Daniel Dale, Washington correspondent of the Toronto Star, interviewed by "Intelligencer"
Which is your favorite pointless lie? Or if you're a Trump fan, which are you proudest of?