Do you know what this site needs?

What does this site need?

In a word...'originality' not displayed by the cliched bollocks above.

But that's just an opinion, although i think you'll find i am right.
Damo, you knows i loves you.

To be honest i really should be making much more of an effort. I do apologise for my tardiness. Who'd of thought that a terrible cove such as myself would be distracted by such meaningless activities such as, and i hesitate to say the dirty

I will try to do better myself. The rest of you shoddy shower....take a moment to think of something provident, thought provoking or just plain funny and post that, as oppposed to the same old, same old, claptrap. Entetrtainment people!
Excuse the spelling, i'm human and i've had a drink, but, this time at least, i shall not rely on the god old standby of the 'edit' button. (and it's not 'cos i cann't find it...oh no)
Excuse the spelling, i'm human and i've had a drink, but, this time at least, i shall not rely on the god old standby of the 'edit' button. (and it's not 'cos i cann't find it...oh no)
LOL... Drunken posting! We're in for it tonight! What is it? One AM there?
oh yes, 1.16 Am as i type. However, marvel at the ability of the Englishman to punctuate correctly. Are you marvelling yet? Eh?

I have the strange ability to type quite correctly, give or take the odd slip, when quite, quite inebriated. (although, to be fair i haven't had that much. It's only a Monday night after all)