Do you know where my penis?


Let's go Brandon!
This is a funny, true story that not everyone will appreciate.

When I was in college, early 80's, I lived in a coed dorm. It was setup into suites of 8 students each. Mine was all men and the suite across the hall as all women. As fortune would have it, us 8 guys got along well, and the suite across the hall did too, and we all got along well together. Most of the time at least half of us all went to dinner together, and we hung out, studied, and borrowed stuff from each other. There was some dating going on of course, and some unfulfilled crushes, but most of the friendships were purely platonic.

There was a guy who lived down the hall, I'll call him John, who was a bit, shall we say, socially awkward. We knew him as a gentle soul so to help him with his awkwardness most of us used humor. The theory here is that if you can't laugh at yourself then you really ought to go live on another planet. So we played some minor jokes on him and over time that opened up his shell quite a bit.

He had a big crush on one of "our" girls so one of the jokes was 'hey, are you trying to date my sister "Linda" ' and similar. They had similar majors so used to study together on occasion. For her birthday he bought her a nice greeting card. Actually it was a card that you'd expect some married guy to give to his wife. She was kind of shocked and didn't give him the response that he expected, and that presented a very awkward situation that none of us knew how to handle except to try and pretend that it didn't happen.

He liked to borrow stuff from her and of course lend her stuff, any excuse to see her. This was the time when many parents (or aunts or uncles) would give you an expensive pen as a gift for you to take to college. He had such a pen and left it, obviously on purpose, in her room when he stopped in to talk about a class or something.

Most of us had a notepad on our doors for communication. This was of course before cell phones and texting. So if you needed to talk to someone and they weren't around you'd leave a note on their door. If it was personal you'd slip it under the door. Linda had a dry-erase pad and was always leaving general notes on it like I'll be back at 4.

John came back the next day to retrieve his pen but Linda wasn't in so he left a message on her door: Linda, Do you know where my pen is? - John.

Unfortunately for him he kinda-sorta didn't leave much of a space between the words "pen" and "is" so it looked like: Linda, Do you know where my penis? - John.

Since the other women in the suite were used to reading notes on her board one saw it and then immediately told everyone in earshot. Like a stupid joke told in just the right context and since neither Linda or John was not around we all thought it was the funniest thing ever.
One day for whatever reason we got the idea of figuring out who slept with whom in a back-handed way. We started mapping it out from Slut Zero and who she had slept with and who they had slept with and realized that if she had shown up to college freshman year with HIV, everybody we knew was infected.
One day for whatever reason we got the idea of figuring out who slept with whom in a back-handed way. We started mapping it out from Slut Zero and who she had slept with and who they had slept with and realized that if she had shown up to college freshman year with HIV, everybody we knew was infected.

Yeah, no sluts in our dorm.

There was this one gal, "Justine", who announced, late one night, that she "just wanted to have sex". She was a cute gal, no doubt, but none of us were into "just sex". No substitute for intellectual stimulation.
Yeah, no sluts in our dorm.

There was this one gal, "Justine", who announced, late one night, that she "just wanted to have sex". She was a cute gal, no doubt, but none of us were into "just sex". No substitute for intellectual stimulation.

Ironic since that was the name of our Slut Zero.
One day for whatever reason we got the idea of figuring out who slept with whom in a back-handed way. We started mapping it out from Slut Zero and who she had slept with and who they had slept with and realized that if she had shown up to college freshman year with HIV, everybody we knew was infected.

Yet *she's* the slut. Check.
This is a funny, true story that not everyone will appreciate.

When I was in college, early 80's, I lived in a coed dorm. It was setup into suites of 8 students each. Mine was all men and the suite across the hall as all women. As fortune would have it, us 8 guys got along well, and the suite across the hall did too, and we all got along well together. Most of the time at least half of us all went to dinner together, and we hung out, studied, and borrowed stuff from each other. There was some dating going on of course, and some unfulfilled crushes, but most of the friendships were purely platonic.

There was a guy who lived down the hall, I'll call him John, who was a bit, shall we say, socially awkward. We knew him as a gentle soul so to help him with his awkwardness most of us used humor. The theory here is that if you can't laugh at yourself then you really ought to go live on another planet. So we played some minor jokes on him and over time that opened up his shell quite a bit.

He had a big crush on one of "our" girls so one of the jokes was 'hey, are you trying to date my sister "Linda" ' and similar. They had similar majors so used to study together on occasion. For her birthday he bought her a nice greeting card. Actually it was a card that you'd expect some married guy to give to his wife. She was kind of shocked and didn't give him the response that he expected, and that presented a very awkward situation that none of us knew how to handle except to try and pretend that it didn't happen.

He liked to borrow stuff from her and of course lend her stuff, any excuse to see her. This was the time when many parents (or aunts or uncles) would give you an expensive pen as a gift for you to take to college. He had such a pen and left it, obviously on purpose, in her room when he stopped in to talk about a class or something.

Most of us had a notepad on our doors for communication. This was of course before cell phones and texting. So if you needed to talk to someone and they weren't around you'd leave a note on their door. If it was personal you'd slip it under the door. Linda had a dry-erase pad and was always leaving general notes on it like I'll be back at 4.

John came back the next day to retrieve his pen but Linda wasn't in so he left a message on her door: Linda, Do you know where my pen is? - John.

Unfortunately for him he kinda-sorta didn't leave much of a space between the words "pen" and "is" so it looked like: Linda, Do you know where my penis? - John.

Since the other women in the suite were used to reading notes on her board one saw it and then immediately told everyone in earshot. Like a stupid joke told in just the right context and since neither Linda or John was not around we all thought it was the funniest thing ever.

So, did she ever tell him where his pen was? (or is?)
Yeah, no sluts in our dorm.

There was this one gal, "Justine", who announced, late one night, that she "just wanted to have sex". She was a cute gal, no doubt, but none of us were into "just sex". No substitute for intellectual stimulation.
