Do You Support Reparations to Black Americans


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Vice President Harris’ campaign did not reveal her position on reparations for Black Americans when asked Wednesday by Fox News Digital, despite growing anticipation from progressive advocates after California lawmakers withdrew their reparation bills last week.

During her earlier presidential bid in 2019, Harris, then a U.S. senator representing California, said she supported "some form of reparations" and backed legislation to study the matter further.

Democrat politicians in blue states, including California, in recent years have floated reparations as a way to atone for what proponents describe as a legacy of racist policies that created disparities for Black people in housing, education and health.

"I think there has to be some form of reparations, and we could discuss what that is, but look, we’re looking at more than 200 years of slavery," Harris said in a 2019 interview with The Root, a website focused on Black culture and politics. "We’re looking at almost 100 years of Jim Crow. We’re looking at legalized segregation and, in fact, segregation on so many levels that exist today based on race and there has not been any kind of intervention done understanding the harm and the damage that occurred to correct [the] course. And so we are seeing the effects of all those years play out still today."

While Harris has changed tune on some of her previous policy stances, like banning fracking or illegal immigration, she hasn't denounced or commented much further on whether she would push a nationwide reparations effort if elected president.

In an MSNBC Al Sharpton interview during Harris' first presidential run, he asked Harris, "In the area of reparations for descendants of Africans enslaved, if you’re elected president, would you sign that bill if it came across your desk?"

"When I am elected president, I will sign that bill,"
Harris responded.
According to Harris' father she is a descendant of a slave owner. Will Kamala pay reparations or receive Reparations? What about my family that moved here in 1843 and fought for the North in the civil war. Should I pay too. What are your opinions on reparations?
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when she tried to win the Democratic nomination in a legit fashion, she was very much for leading the discussion on reparations

now she is hiding in the basement and backing away publicly from anything she used to believe.

such a disgusting politician
When issues as reparations actually becomes something more than “floating” ideas get back to us, otherwise, it is just another attempted dog whistle easily recognized
When issues as reparations actually becomes something more than “floating” ideas get back to us, otherwise, it is just another attempted dog whistle easily recognized
floating ideas - like how we kept fighting to overturn Roe v Wade

no - you people are dumb. we are not. voting for Kamala is a vote for insane policy
When issues as reparations actually becomes something more than “floating” ideas get back to us, otherwise, it is just another attempted dog whistle easily recognized
Also., asking Kamala about her past statements is a dog whistle to you gas lighting shit stains?

derp derp
In an MSNBC Al Sharpton interview during Harris' first presidential run, he asked Harris, "In the area of reparations for descendants of Africans enslaved, if you’re elected president, would you sign that bill if it came across your desk?"

"When I am elected president, I will sign that bill,"
Harris responded.
According to Harris' father she is a descendant of a slave owner. Will Kamala pay reparations or receive Reparations? What about my family that moved here in 1843 and fought for the North in the civil war. Should I pay too. What are your opinions on reparations?
It's not coming across her desk, so it's irrelevant what she would/wouldn't do. She knows that it'll never come across her desk, hence her willingness to take that position.