We did for a short period, but nobody was using it and didn't quite understand what it was I was talking about.Don't we already have it?
....Maybe...the yahoo forums had this option...it was funny to listen too...I don't have a mic,but I wouldn't mind listening to others make a ass out of themselves...
I can see that.unnecessary and gimmicky. We have posted on messageboards for years and the refresh button has handled itself just fine. I don't think it's worth it.
صور رائعة لما تخيله الرسامون.....
....ماذا لو ادلكم على موقع اروع جميلات بالاف المرات من هذه الصور
..صور ما لا عين رات ولا اذن سمعت ولاخطر على قلب بشرر
فتخيل اخي اجمل فاتنة رايتها حتى الان ثم اعلم انها ابشع مخلوقة لو قورنت بحوريات اهل الجنة