Docs Urge Calm as Right-Wingers Lie About Kids and Monkeypox

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
With the American monkeypox outbreak in a state of uncontrolled spread, public health authorities are concerned that outdated science and bad-faith scapegoating are combining forces to frighten parents about the epidemic’s threat to their children.

Epidemiologists, infectious disease specialists and public health authorities are in near-universal agreement that the current outbreak appears to pose low risk to kids at the moment. But as far-right figures tie the virus to baseless panic about LGBT people “grooming” children, and as some media outlets and online influencers speculate that monkeypox could flourish in school settings, those assurances risk being drowned out.
They drive out and try to destroy all dissidents, then look us in the eye and deliver "Everyone agrees, now shut up and do as you are told!"
America is now run by leftist thugs who enjoy causing pain, Conservatives failed, and they failed all the way.

Buckle Up Fuckers!