Doctors issue warning for upcoming ‘tripledemic’

Dutch Uncle

* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
The good news is that most rational people get their shots in a timely manner. It takes a few weeks for immunizations to take full effect.

Ergo, it'll mainly be elderly MAGAts who croak from disease. Including pneumonia since that's what usually kills bed-ridden elderly people. Given how much damage they've done to our country, it won't be a loss except to their families...and not all of them will be sorry. LOL

Doctors issue warning for upcoming ‘tripledemic’​

The good news is that most rational people get their shots in a timely manner. It takes a few weeks for immunizations to take full effect.

Ergo, it'll mainly be elderly MAGAts who croak from disease. Including pneumonia since that's what usually kills bed-ridden elderly people. Given how much damage they've done to our country, it won't be a loss except to their families...and not all of them will be sorry. LOL

Doctors issue warning for upcoming ‘tripledemic’​

If it were just a decision not to take the vaccines I'd respect it. However, it's not just that, they encourage others against it with wild stories they've come across in the sewers of the internet. Some lie and some give the finger to common medical practice and push false antidotes. I feel no sympathy when a avid and toxic anti-vaxxer goes belly up from some disease they treated like a joke.
The establishment medical community is not remotely credible, but the effects of the Death Jabs on our immune systems is something to worry about, as Geert and others have been saying for years now.
If it were just a decision not to take the vaccines I'd respect it. However, it's not just that, they encourage others against it with wild stories they've come across in the sewers of the internet. Some lie and some give the finger to common medical practice and push false antidotes. I feel no sympathy when a avid and toxic anti-vaxxer goes belly up from some disease they treated like a joke.
Agreed. Even their own children. Remember the stink they made and allowing their unvaccinated kids in public schools thus endangering those kids who couldn't get shots due to disease?

Agreed also on a lack of sympathy for toxic anti-vaxxers they suffer the consequences of their actions.
The establishment medical community is not remotely credible, but the effects of the Death Jabs on our immune systems is something to worry about, as Geert and others have been saying for years now.
If you don't want your shots, except those out of a bottle, don't get your shots, #10. :thup:
The good news is that most rational people get their shots in a timely manner. It takes a few weeks for immunizations to take full effect.

Ergo, it'll mainly be elderly MAGAts who croak from disease. Including pneumonia since that's what usually kills bed-ridden elderly people. Given how much damage they've done to our country, it won't be a loss except to their families...and not all of them will be sorry. LOL

Doctors issue warning for upcoming ‘tripledemic’​

Mr. Tiny Penis, how mayy jabs you up to now, 6, 7, 8? With your compromised immunity system, how many times you've had the China Virus, three, four, five? How many meds do you put into your system daily? Booze and meds are not a good thing. Living in constant fear might be worse.
Interesting how all those pushing the jabs support an administration that is allowing millions of unvetted, unvaxxed illegals into this country and the schools.
That the illegals have more privileges than the citizens is certainly something to notice.
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Jensen ran for Governor in MN against Tampon Tim. The lefties laughed at him, they now know he was correct and MN is stuck with a Governor that has destroyed that State.
Ya, and while I have not done any investigation that so called election smells fishy.
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I have a Aunt in Minneapolis who has long been involved in Minnesota politics but we no longer talk..... her mind was captured by the Regime and she became a bitch who refuses to listen to me because I am a dissident....eventually I decided that there is no point in trying to talk to her.....she is permanently gone from the civilized world.
My name is Lyinfish. I'm the balless sock of Legion AKA Legina after Damo transed me a couple years ago.
Yes, Legina. Most everyone knows your pathetic little story.

The fact I live rent free in your tiny little brain is the best part about you. LOL
The establishment medical community is not remotely credible, but the effects of the Death Jabs on our immune systems is something to worry about, as Geert and others have been saying for years now.
Well, you have a choice!

Either ignore the advice of the best medical experts on the planet, and risk your life and your ass growing together, or go and get yourself vaccinated to give yourself the best chance at saving your miserable worthless life should you walk through a sneeze cloud while you are out buying your bottle of Thunderbird at WalMart!

But, let me just say, that we don't give one squirt of runny crap what you decide to do FOOL!

Because the world would be better off without stupid Anti-vaxer Idiots like you!

Getting vaccinated is not all about you fool! Getting vaccinated is about protecting yourself, as well as your entire community- that could otherwise be exposed to your spreading the disease to them- should you be an irresponsible reckless careless idiot- and not get your own worthless ASS vaccinated!
Well, you have a choice!

Either ignore the advice of the best medical experts on the planet, and risk your life and your ass growing together, or go and get yourself vaccinated to give yourself the best chance at saving your miserable worthless life should you walk through a sneeze cloud while you are out buying your bottle of Thunderbird at WalMart!

But, let me just say, that we don't give one squirt of runny crap what you decide to do FOOL!

Because the world would be better off without stupid Anti-vaxer Idiots like you!

Getting vaccinated is not all about you fool! Getting vaccinated is about protecting yourself, as well as your entire community- that could otherwise be exposed to your spreading the disease to them- should you be an irresponsible reckless careless idiot- and not get your own worthless ASS vaccinated!
Agreed people have a choice.

I support evolution in action! When people self-attrite, it helps keep the gene pool clean. :thup:
The establishment medical community is not remotely credible, but the effects of the Death Jabs on our immune systems is something to worry about, as Geert and others have been saying for years now.
What does "not remotely credible" mean in that comment. Does it mean, for example, that the established statistical fact of Covid vaccines in saving lives is proof the vaccines are a failure, and a danger? Seems unlikely, don't you think. Geert's debunked theory is the same debunked theory used decades ago to attack the measles vaccine which you probably received,