Does anybody know when "The War on Christmas" starts?

Right now.

'All the Rights down in Rightville liked Christmas a lot,
But the Lib who lived just left of Rightville did not.
The LIB HATED Christmas, the whole Christmas season,
Now please don't ask why, no one quite knows the reason.

It might be the coal, in his sock and his pants,
It might be his overall liberal slants.
But whatever the reason, the coal or the slant,
He stood there on Christmas Eve, ready to rant

"I can just hear it now, Jesus this, Jesus that,
Merry Christmas to all, now let's eat, and get fat"
And they'll sing all their carols and pray to their God
even though we all know that that guy is a fraud.
And they'll want lots of gifts and they'll want them RIGHT NOW,
I have got to stop Christmas from coming, but how?
Then he got an idea.
An awful idea.
The Lib got a wonderful, awful idea.

"I'll just hire a lawyer", that didn't take long
He had not just one lawyer, he had a whole throng,
And they wrote all their briefs and they filed them in court,
making claims and demands of the usual sort,
And the judge, being liberal, he granted them all
Even taking the wreath from Rightville Town hall
The judge took all their trappings away one by one
with the stroke of a pen, the Rights Christmas was DONE!

But the Rights had a plan, and the rights were quite wily,
The man that would save them was the great Bill O'Reilly.
And how did they know this? And how could it be?
Well O'Reilly would tell them each night on TV.

So O'Reilly arrived, and he raved and he ranted,
And when he was done, that old judge, he recanted.
And what happened next? The Rights swear this is true,
The Lib he gave up on the ACLU.
And they say that he said 'Merry Christmas' and smiled
and he went to a school, and sung hymns with a child.
The libs war on Christmas was over and done.
The Righties and Jesus and God, they had won.

Happy Holidays everybody!!!!!
The compass spins at North Pole. Therefore Santa Claus exists.

Christians - 0
Atheists - 0
Clausians - 1

Liberals want to ram atheism down our throats just as vigorously as any religious person ever tried to impose his beliefs on others.

Not sure why that is. Best guess is that it's because The State provides for all our needs, and anything that puts itself ahead of The State has to go.
Liberals want to ram atheism down our throats just as vigorously as any religious person ever tried to impose his beliefs on others.

Not sure why that is. Best guess is that it's because The State provides for all our needs, and anything that puts itself ahead of The State has to go.

bubba........:laugh: every board needs a bubba....:thup:

Good the state is taking care of all your needs..... You know no one is force feeding you, you can always say no........
There may be some truth to your point but IMHO it is a matter of degree.........

Never heard of an evangelical atheist......

IMHO there is a big problem