Does anyone seriously believe


That the white supremacist animals who pollute this forum with their continued life want anything more than to enslave all of us in an eternal white supremacist dictatorship? These people have no morality, all they want is totalitarianism, genocide, murder, and power. They love rape, they love murder and genocide. They are animals. They are subhuman filth, every single rightist must be killed. Every single rightist is a cancer that must be killed before they kill us. Before they enslave us. All they want is to tie your 12 your old daughter down, rape her at gunpoint, and force her to die giving birth to their rape seed so the rape seed can go on to rape more women. They are all pedophiles and rape lovers, they see women as objects who must be raped to death, that is why they lovingly voted for a rapist dictator and a rapist supreme court judge, that is their preparation for all American women, just eternal rape slaves to the white supremacist animals. They want children heads on pikes, they laugh as they bathe in the blood of their countrymen, their white supremacist evil and violence.




They want nothing more than to kill every one of us, it gives them pleasure, the suffering of other human beings. They must be given the treatment they wish upon others.
They all come from white supremacist states, how many of these evil boomers laughed and guffawed at lynchings in their youth? I know they saw them, they are silent now, but they are always waiting to kill again. The white supremacist animals who won the civil war must be purged from the Earth. It is the only solution. We were fools to not kill every single white southerner after the civil war, they are terrorists, they installed white supremacist dictatorships for a century that enslaved my people, now they want to bring that nationwide. Fuck these dogs.