does everyone realize OBL is Saudi ?


Villified User
He came fro Saudi Arabia along with the majority of the 911 hijackers....hmmm...
I knew about the hijackers but not about OBL.
Yes he's a saudi. His daddy made big bucks in the construction industry which is where his millions came from. He was booted out of saudi arabia for his radical views. He's also a part of the royal family but way down the line. And has been disowned by them, according to the family, but then all the muslems lie anyway so who knows for sure.
He came fro Saudi Arabia along with the majority of the 911 hijackers....hmmm...
I knew about the hijackers but not about OBL.

I don't know about everyone, I can only speak for myself, but his father made his fortune as the owner of a huge Saudi construction firm. In other words, I knew where he was from by 2000 or so...but other than your shock what is your point exactly? I also so knew that we helped create al Qaeda by aiding his fight against the Russians in Afghanistan.
yes, his father and brothers worked building the saudi royal families palaces from what i gather....his dad was boocoo rich...i also have read that the bin laden family also has done business with bush 1's the carlaise group...?
The Saudis long ago kicked him out and denied him re-entry to Saudi Arabia.

While he continued to draw on Saudi money....

They have even invited him back after they kicked him out if he would have met their terms....saw this on a Discovery channel special on bin laden....

the 15 Saudi men out of the 19 should have directed us towards our REAL problem...with SAudi Arabia...and how the Arabs that we are in BED with treat their common people....while we have turned a blind eye ..... :(
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While he continued to draw on Saudi money....

They have even invited him back after they kicked him out if he would have met their terms....saw this on a Discovery channel special on bin laden....

the 15 Saudi men out of the 19 should have directed us towards our REAL problem...with SAudi Arabia...and how the Arabs that we are in BED with treat their common people....while we have turned a blind eye ..... :(
Yes good idea, let's bomb the shit out of where bad people are born.
For WWII, they really fucked that one up, we went after Nazi Germany PRIMARILY, rather than Austria where Hitler was born.

What stupid, stupid thinking. The house of Saud has been as good as expected can be of an arab ally, and it is a LARGE family, some of them will have sympathies with bin Laden, but not the Crown Prince or any higher-ups.
the house of saud is the primary funding source for the madrassas that preach hatred of America and produce terrorists..... some ally
OBL's mom was from Yeman, his brothers and sisters are all from Papa Lauden's Saudi wifes, (he had a few). So OBL was the poor step child.