Does happiness exist?

Does happiness exist?

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Unlike "truth"......happiness is relative to he/she who defines it, with the ignorant being the greatest recipient. One man's garbage is another's treasure, one man's hell is another's heaven. Truth on the other hand is objective and testable, what's true for one man is true for the next...if not, all that existed was opinion with truth never having existed in the first place. There is nothing personal about truth, its universal, all one needs is a standard by which to calibrate it....and that standard exists as Logical, Observable, Reproducible and Consistent evidence upon calibration.

Some folks confuse the two (those who have no cognitive ability to reason in logical thought basing everything on EMOTION)....believing anything that makes them happy is somehow equated with truth....and will insist that TRUTH is relative to their own perceived reality. And will remain happy and ignorant until life jumps up and hits them on the back of the head with the proverbial 2x4...then they blame everyone and everything except their own flawed since of reality for their headache.
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