Does McCain have the Rush seal of approval ?

Never ever ever work with a democrat or on something designed to blunt the corprations stranglehold on the country.

Its what we are left with as a conservative montra.

My only hope is McCain turns on them once elected.
Never ever ever work with a democrat or on something designed to blunt the corprations stranglehold on the country.

Its what we are left with as a conservative montra.

My only hope is McCain turns on them once elected.

No doubt that he will.

A Walmart in every back yard! :tongout:
Campaign Finance Reform (McCain-Feingold). That alone disqualifies him as a conservative.

Rush definitely did not like him in 2000 and I see no reason why he would have changed his feelings today.

As far as conservatives flocking to McCain I have yet to see it. He won N.H. in 2000 as well, a lot of good that did him.
Well someone has to be telling the Republicans to vote for him. Self determination is not permitted in the Republican party !
Rush definitely did not like him in 2000 and I see no reason why he would have changed his feelings today.

As far as conservatives flocking to McCain I have yet to see it. He won N.H. in 2000 as well, a lot of good that did him.
Good point.

Well someone has to be telling the Republicans to vote for him. Self determination is not permitted in the Republican party !
Actually it is the hallmark of conservatives within the GOP.

Campaign Finance Reform (McCain-Feingold). That alone disqualifies him as a conservative.

albeit John is a vet and all...I cut him some slack...I do not agree with this fisaco...nor his fiasco on Immigration...or his fisaco on social issues...however he speaks his mind and does not cave...this I give him credit for...I like his approach to the war on terror..and he really needs to address the outsourcing of American Jobs..this I would like to see all candidates address....along with reasonable health care for all!

Edwards means well and is getting bashed from all sides...if he took a strong stance on the war on terror...and quit being a ambulance chaser in mentality...I think he would shine like McCain or Huckabee to some extent...all are not perfect...we have disagreements on alot of issues...what I want to see is honesty and real direction(not mumbo jumbo rhetoric) I can relate too...not too much to ask

I would have preferred my choice 'Duncan Hunter'...he met most of my criteria...but he was never allowed the traction needed by the media ho's...
albeit John is a vet and all...I cut him some slack...I do not agree with this fisaco...nor his fiasco on Immigration...or his fisaco on social issues...however he speaks his mind and does not cave...this I give him credit for...I like his approach to the war on terror..and he really needs to address the outsourcing of American Jobs..this I would like to see all candidates address....along with reasonable health care for all!

Edwards means well and is getting bashed from all sides...if he took a strong stance on the war on terror...and quit being a ambulance chaser in mentality...I think he would shine like McCain or Huckabee to some extent...all are not perfect...we have disagreements on alot of issues...what I want to see is honesty and real direction(not mumbo jumbo rhetoric) I can relate too...not too much to ask

I would have preferred my choice 'Duncan Hunter'...he met most of my criteria...but he was never allowed the traction needed by the media ho's...

Above all I'm a pragmatist. The Dem-nom will be Clinton-Obama, or some variation of. The GOP candidate needs to be able to beat that. Its got to be Romney or Huck, and Romney has better hair, so he's the one.

Above all I'm a pragmatist. The Dem-nom will be Clinton-Obama, or some variation of. The GOP candidate needs to be able to beat that. Its got to be Romney or Huck, and Romney has better hair, so he's the one.

Not so sure about that...Romney has way too many skeletons in the proverbial closet...are you familiar with the Mormon 7...they took Howard Hughes fortune via the Suma Corporation...I think Romney may just be tied to this fortune via Daddy...Just food for thought mind ya! I will stick to my loser buddy Duncan or side with Chuck via Huckabee...albeit he is not my first choice(Duncan was)...but his skeletons are not life threatening per sey!
Not so sure about that...Romney has way too many skeletons in the proverbial closet...are you familiar with the Mormon 7...they took Howard Hughes fortune via the Suma Corporation...I think Romney may just be tied to this fortune via Daddy...Just food for thought mind ya! I will stick to my loser buddy Duncan or side with Chuck via Huckabee...albeit he is not my first choice(Duncan was)...but his skeletons are not life threatening per sey!
I think Republicans don't care that Romney is a Mormon. The ones that I've know were all good people.

Huck has a comb-over- won't do this day and age.
It'snot the religion I was referring too..............

I think Republicans don't care that Romney is a Mormon. The ones that I've know were all good people.

Huck has a comb-over- won't do this day and age.

It was the corruption of the 'Mormon 7' a little research on Howard Hughes/Suma/Mormon is a eye opener...for sure! and if you prefer to vote on hair-cuts Edwards and Romney have the same do! Princeton cut!:rolleyes:
It was the corruption of the 'Mormon 7' a little research on Howard Hughes/Suma/Mormon is a eye opener...for sure! and if you prefer to vote on hair-cuts Edwards and Romney have the same do! Princeton cut!:rolleyes:
I don't see how corruption in the Mormon church has anything to do with Romney.

My goal is to get a Republican elected, not the hair-obsessed faggot boy. But the fact is that US Presidents who have a full head of hair get elected.