Does quantum physics prove there is no free will?


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Eddy Keming Chen, a philosopher of physics at the University of California, San Diego, believes we should take the idea of strong determinism—and its implications—seriously.

If we embrace a theory like the one put forward by Hartle and Hawking, in which both the dynamics and the initial conditions of the universe (or multiverse) are specified, then only one unique history is possible. From this perspective, quantum mechanics is even more deterministic than its classical predecessor.

No, QM has nothing to do with free will.

The Schoedinger equation is perfectly deterministic. It's the act of observation that introduces the element of uncertainty.

The quantum state of subatomic particles has nothing to do, as far as we can tell, with the subjective nature of human imagination, values, and choice.
There is no such thing as a 'multiverse' and a 'universe' at the same time. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox, Sybil.

How does that follow, logically? If a multiverse exists then, by definition, at least ONE universe must also exist.

I think you got out over your skis there.
Free Will is an existential threat to the WOKE Death Cult.....which is why it is under constant attack.